It's one of my greatest dietary challenges. I love salt. Love it.
I know it's terrible for me. I try to do without.
So, for Lent, I've given it up. I will not add salt to any food for 40 days. This is big, people.
At my Tuesday night movie, my popcorn will be buttery. But, not salty. (Spare me the details of what is in the butter. We're baby stepping here.)

Greater challenges have been made. It's true. But, this is a big one for me.
***How about you? Do you sacrifice for Lent? If so, what?
Wow! Way to go! I am soooo proud of you! I give up Diet Mt. Dew every year. I don't drink coffee so it's my only source of caffeine! I will be dragging my a$$ for the next 40 days!
you could always use unsalted butter... :)
i don't usually give anything up for lent--i'm not anti-lent, i just don't really think about it. i guess i could give up trying to appear skinny. not sucking in my stomach for 40 days sounds almost as good as chocolate tastes. almost.
I have given up salt in the past but this year along with my typical chocolate and pop sacrifice I am trying to eat better all around.
Good luck without the salt!
As a good former Lutheran, I have given up sweets....NO DESSERT! This is HUGE for me...but I can do it. I.can.do.it....and your post holds me even more accountable!
Sweets for me too, actually. I'm going to eat fruits instead! I can't do without salt, good luck! I would have done soft drinks but I don't drink enough of them to really HAVE to give them up :)
I'll hide my popcorn, that will be salted when we are there next month :)
I don't give up anything for lent. Like Tiffany, I am not anti-lent...I just don't give anything up. If I had to though it would have to be eating healthy. I mean fruits and veggies are terribly over-rated anyway. :-)
My husband is Catholic (I'm not); but I'm giving up wine and champagne...but, I've already cheated. Just once, though. He's giving up sweets and doing really well. Good luck with that salt, thing. Does that mean you can't eat any processed foods??? I mean, how far are you taking this?
Wow! That's a big one! I'm giving up my nightly glass of red wine. I'm not an alcoholic, but I really enjoy that relaxing treat at the end of the day! So far, so good, though!
Good luck with yours!
Yes, still eating processed foods, Kel. I'm staying away from as many as possible, eliminating salt from recipes and deliberately avoiding pretzels and such.
Let's not get crazy now!
Every year or so, I try to give up Coke & Dr. Pepper (I drink the real deal but only about one or two a week). I am not a sweet eater so to me, this is like chocolate. I've never been able to give it up forever though.
I only had one when I was prego with Corinne and it was only because I had just started to feel her move and I hadn't felt her in a day or so. Everyone said it would work and it didn't! :)
I am going to not have any cheat days for 40 days. So far so good. No processed, no chips, no white pasta.
That's a big one, Case! I salt EVERYTHING. I know it's terrible, but I love it. I even salt my pizza.
Good luck! Maybe you won't ever go back to salting things once you give it up??? :)
it's nice to know other people salt things too - is it a southern thing? I put it on my salad ... anyway as far as giving something up for lent - I haven't figured out anything. Sad but true.
I'm giving up whisky.
I don't practice Lent, so haven't had to give up anything:) Don't know what I would, though. Salt is not good....I once had a doctor tell me that a need to salt food means that you might have a mineral deficieny, so give it up for good!!!!
No, I don't. I should, but I don't. If I did give up something though, it should be reality TV. Total addict.
That is a BIG one, Casey. Good for you. I don't do lent, but I think my head might start spinning if I had to give-up chocolate. Just talking about it makes me feel the need to go find some. Must go now.
I'm trying to be more like Jesus so I'm giving up sex.
See? I'm so drunk I didn't even spell it right.
Good for you, Shannon. I should try that.
Case - try the "flavored shaky things" that most theaters have now to help your salt fix. I think they're just flavors like cheese, garlic, etc.
I gave up ten minutes a day for concentrated prayer. Since I give up so much with my wacky diets anyway, I figure I should focus elsewhere. I read from my daily prayer book I found at a Catholic bookstore. Good stuff
Honestly I forgot about it being lent so I did not give up anything. I love salt on everything. Well Garlic salt that is. One of the gals from Girl Scouts is giving up carbs such as pasta and bread. I give her credit because I love pasta and bread.
Congratulations on taking that big step!! My family used to participate in Lent, but we stopped a while ago.
Good luck with your no salt quest :)
I don't give up anything for lent but I should give up alcohol for 40 days. That would give me a slimmer waistline FAST!
Good luck. I am a salty snacker so I know it's tough.
I gave up Diet Coke and am fairly certain that it is going to slowly kill me. Given it's my only source of caffeine, 40 days might as well be 400. Baby steps...
I dont do the lent thing and I am kind of glad because I have zero will power!! I would surely fail.
First I decided to give up soda, but I only had soda about once every couple of days, not much of a sacrifice. Then, three days into it I realized I should give up my terribly unhealthy pregnancy craving of McDonalds, I don't have it that often, but it's a craving that usually gets the best of me. The other day I swear I smelled McD's french fries in my driveway, and we don't live that close to a McDonald's.
Taco Bueno.
I don't do lent. Usually Mr. Mack try to put something great into action instead of giving something up. Getting some unfinished goals accomplished kind of thing. Salt is bad. You need to give that up. Besides, I have given up my coca cola and I now know I was an addict because even though it has been almost 3 months, I would really love to have one! I hope you do give up salt and continue that after. What movie did you see?
I am Baptist, so no, but if I did, salt would be super tough for me, too. How's it going?
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