Monday, February 08, 2010

A Video Coated in Modge Podge


If the shoe FITZ said...

BABIES! Duh???

The Rand's said...

Absolutely precious! Made me smile. I needed that!

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is too stinkin cute! I love this!I laughed the whole time! Lainey is AUHDORABLE! As well as Jack!

Carrie Darney said...

Love LC's "No!" babies...of course...such a cute video Casey!!

Carrie Darney said...

P.S. Where is the Pa post?

starnes family said...

Pa post coming soon. Geez, Carrie. :)

Unknown said...

How cute!

Kristen said...

LOVE THIS... love putting little voices to their beautiful faces!! And Jack... kisses are yucky... oh dear! Adorable video!!
And love the new blog design!!

The Soladay Family said...

I love how Lainey's expressions go from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds! I also love how you didn't flinch at the mess that Jack was making! Good times!

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

That video is a keeper! It made me laugh and smile through the entire video!

FROGGITY! said...

sooooooooo bloomin cute!! :)
doll babies, that's what they are!

Dee Stephens said...

babies! loves it! love the new look too!

J said...

So precious! I hope I'm as brave as you when my kid is big enough to have fun getting VERY messy.

Your new blog look is lovely! Makes me ready for spring!

The Jones Family said...

Awe, "yack" kisses are GREAT! :)

Kim said...

Love it and I love your new look!

Sara said...

I'm so in love with your children. Cutest bebees ever!!

SASS said...

The epitome of you 3. All in one minute and forty-one seconds.
You're such a good mama letting them play with modge podge. And a brave mama!
Keep these comin!
Blog design in presh, btw. I'm next!!

Iva Messy said...


Heather said...

OH MY GRACIOUS! love them!!!

Heather said...

and PLEASE..... don't get the aprons dirty! ha!