Hence, my Easter wreath up....vine wrapped bunnies adorning the patio and front porch....and planters prepped for Spring flowers. The Farmer's Market opens April 17. I'll be the first one there. Go here for a recap of our visits last year.
We're always anxious for warmer weather, actually. Click here for pictures of a 6 year old Carter and me planting seeds at our first house in Colorado when Jack was only a baby and Lainey, unheard of!
I can't wait to visit the Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, once everything starts blooming. Click here for a recap of our visit to the Denver Botanic Gardens when Jack was just a little punk in 2007. A rolly poly, really.
And, some of Lainey in the spring of 2008 in all her bonnet wearing baby glory here.
Spring.....the smell of soil......the insects returning......our enormous trees growing an abundance of leaves, turning our little home into a tree house.
I'm ready.
I was reminded of several Spring and Easter projects at my Building Better Moms class a couple of weeks ago.
They are:
*Take a "new life" walk outdoors.....look for tiny shoots, sprouts, eggs, etc.....all signs of life to come.

*Make hot cross buns. Easy!
*Make pretzels or simply serve them as a snack. The shapes remind us of arms folded in prayer.
*Fill clay pots with soil and seeds.

*Make or purchase Resurrection Eggs.
*Paint chocolate pudding footprints.....reminding us we're followers of Jesus.
*Dye Easter eggs.....discuss how the changing of colors mirrors the changes in us.

And, I've added a few of my own....
*Walk the zoo looking for signs of spring. Ask a zookeeper about new babies arriving.
*Make a child-friendly commitment to sacrificing something for Lent. Give up marshmallows? Sugar cereal? Cookies?
And, we need something to take the focus off of Jack's 4th, arriving in April. We made the mistake of telling him his was next......and he's asked me to make him a "urt-day" cake every day since. It's getting old, people.
You have such amazing ideas... I am keeping notes on all of them so someday (hopefully) if I'm a mom I will be able to do amazing things with my kiddos too. Your kids are so lucky to have such a wonderful mama!!
Okay- what about... playing dress up and doing your own little Easter play in the family room. Maybe Carter's too old, but Jack and Lainey might have fun. I can imagine Lainey using her babies and Meow in the play too.
What about going to the market and picking up some palms and lilies and making your own flower arrangements and talking about what the flowers and plams mean.
More a Lainey project- but buy some fun beads and string and little crosses and make fun Easter jewelry.
My ideas are definitely not as cool as yours... which is why I will just steal all of yours someday :)
What a wonderful post!! Seriously, I never realized that all those Easter-related activities had such deeper meaning behind them.
You taught me something new today :)
Plus you gave me a renewed hope for Spring!!! When I feel better I'm going to take that walk and look for signs of the new season.
Thank the Good Lord that you are finally ready for Spring. We Texans are starting to get the Seasonal Emotional Disorder - or whatever it's called! More snow on its way tonight. ugh. never thought I would say that. Seriously, I'm usually laying out by this time of year. ;) loll.
make the boy a pre-birthday cake. whatever's cake in spring colors.
And thank you for your sweet sweet post on my blog!
comment - whatever it's called
I have no ideas to add. Probably because I am in an Olympic ice dancing funk, but I will should out an AMEN to your praying for Spring. Someone please get this snow out of my yard.
Ahhhhh. Back when the beebees were beebees and TheStarnesFam had zero comments. Time flies!
Now it's toddlers, 9-year-olds, and McBloggy Friday Follow For Time-Killers or whatever the hell you weirdos do.
BABY LAINE in that bonnet!!! Kills me.
PUNKIN JACK afraid of grass!!! Not shocking. (He was so sweet before he could say urt-day!)
CUTIE CARTER!!! Planting seeds and rolling down hills.
Love this post. Hope KC listens to you...
You know that I love the snow as much as you but I too am ready for SPRING! We plated some seeds in cup the year before last and I am definately doing it this year. The kids love it. Have a great week!
Hey just stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow!
Happy Follow Friday!
Ahhhh, spring. I hear you. I'm ready for it. Maybe some warm weather and sunshine will prevent my random rants at rodents. I have some bad karma from Phil. Thanks for the great ideas. :)
All your ideas are great!!! I just put out one decoration and our carrot on the front door.
Maybe I will do the rest today. I love painting the birdhouse idea, we will do that for sure.
You forgot to mention the best part of this spring........the arrival of Coco on May 13!!!!! I know Blake is counting down.
I so want spring! i'm sick of winter. I love your pot pictures and the eggs.
I have an award for you in my blog if you'd like to stop by and pick it up!
More wonderful ideas! All going in my "Casey file". And I love looking back at the pictures of sweet C, J & L. So precious!
Trey says we have to decorate for St. Patty's Day before Easter. Um...okay.
How funny you mentioned the bird houses because Carter asked me if I would buy him one. He saw them at Michaels when we went the other day, so I told him that as soon as the warm weather is here we'd do it!
I love the pots. Great idea for the kids to do!
We're feeling Spring like here in FL with 65-70 degree weather lately so I am loving it.
Those eggs look awesome. My son is 6 and we have never dyed eggs but we WILL this year!!!!
Get ready Easter....here we come..I adore Easter...all the sweetness of it..soft colours and hues. Hope your week is going well so far. xoxo
that little ladybug just put a huge smile on my face!! so darling!!!
You need to write a book so that when I become a mom, I can have a "how to" because you are the BEST.
so ready for spring now! what a cheery post.
i will be pulling out all of my pastel stuff asap.
i love farmer's markets!!
also, i wanted to mention i am attempting to give up sweets (need to regardless b/c of potential gestational diabetes... ugh!). it will be hard, i have already struggled!
Great ideas. Most of our Easter happenings are pretty tame. The Easter bunny always brings a treasure hunt for the kids (not eggs, eggs are done too, but not part of the BIG hunt). You have definitely given me some ideas to get ready!
i'm ready for spring, too, case! can you make it happen for texas, too?!?! pretty please???
love all of the ideas. we have a bird house waiting to be painted. the girls can't wait.
You could have the kids paint the pots like Ban used to.
love all the spring/easter ideas. will have to copy some of them, as always. we have told connors his bday is next too. everyday he wants his party and cake too. so annoying! i have learned my lesson.
Fresh out of ideas. Sounds like you have it covered. I am ready for spring too. We have serious birthday fever around here. We are already planning the 5 birthday, which is 9 months way. Lordy, help us. Help us all. Bring on the Spring.
Ah, I feel warmer already, thanks!
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