Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Love Spilleth Over....Now With An Update!

I was talking a couple of days ago to my friend, Josie, and she asked about Valentines. Josie insists I'm more creative than I am......which I'm flattered by.......but I know the truth. What I am pretty good at is covering the kids head-to-toe in holiday gear. This is one of the major perks of raising young children, people. Join the fun or get over it.

Let's start with Lainey in her Gap heart hoodie from last season. Caroline purposely bought it a size up in order to get two years' use. Have I mentioned how much I love Caroline lately?

Loving the pig tails with the hat.

Things got ugly when the boys started rough housing.

And, Lainey took control.

Tell it, Laine!

Teary eyes. Being bossy is hard work.

And, 5 seconds later, she's happy as a lark.

Moving on to more heart-clad gear. Caroline bought Jack's shirt last year, too. I bought Lainey's dress out of season for $4, and I believe and her tights for $1.99. I love a good sale.

Aren't they pitiful here? Not interested in pictures.

I resurrected this old Gap favorite from Carter's 3 year old Valentine. Perhaps one of my favorites included a photo of Carter in this shirt holding daisies out to the camera with the most Eddie Haskell-esque smile ever. I wish so much I had one of those Valentines......this was back in the day when I sent them out and failed to save one for our collection. It was fabulous, people. Trust me.

This just in! Kelly.....pictured below with her cute mom......sent me the long lost Valentine. I love her.

And, here it is. Punkin Carter. Such a cutie.

So, beyond clothes, the house is starting to look love struck as well. I'm enjoying this darling wine glass given to me last year by my valentine friend, Coco. I use it often to torture Blake enjoy my wine.

And, this year, she sent me this sweet plaque. I do love her so.

Seasonal basket is dressed and ready.

And, we're in stage one of our hand-made cards. Hearts + dinosaurs + entirely more glue than needed = love.

Family Fun has some cute ideas this year. Click on this link for details.

Love these.....will store the idea in this little noggin of mine for when Lainey is sending Valentines at school.

These are also cute and kid friendly. I love when Valentines are actually prepared by the children.

Be careful, though, with what you're suggesting for your kids and make sure they're age appropriate. Sending these to the 3rd grade? Some one's getting beaten up on the playground.

Martha Stewart does everything perfectly in my opinion, so I have to highlight a few of my favorites this year. Click on this link for instructions on each and for more ideas.

I love, love, love paper crafts and cards at Valentine's Day. There is something so sweet and sincere about sitting down with paper, scissors and glue to make a card or send a message.

Would like to see these heart shaped cones in my kitchen window.

Our kids love candy dots......cute idea to cut them into heart shapes. Know why I love them? Because they keep a 2 and 3 year old busy in the stroller while I shop.

How gorgeous are these? Doubtful the children could replicate, but I like the idea of folding paper and using the old snowflake technique to make the heart beautiful.

Sweet paper cards.....and kids love to fold......I can see them wrapping up these little treasures and loving them.

Have you started yours? Get busy if not.......the big day will be here before you know it!


J said...

I love handmade valentines too! Don't think I could get my hubby or baby into it, but my second graders could mos def give a few of those a try. Thanks for the ideas!

Charlene Juliani said...

Wow such cute cards and kids ;) Love Little Lainey...she is so adorable especially with pigtails and that hat =)

donatelli98 said...

So cute and love that you shop the sale. I just bought a bunch of stuff for Bia for next year! I think I am going to go out on a limb and make heart shaped cookies with the girls next weekend! Big step for Type A me!

Shannon said...

Adorable. Blake and I just started on his tonight. Since his are going to be pop-up cards, we just got through the printing on card stock phase tonight. Tomorrow is cutting day. Woot!

No way in hell my kids would ever dress for the day but we do get them a gift usually. Do you give the kids (I can't say children) gifts on Valentine's Day?

Jodee said...

Love the heart hoody! Could she be any cuter?!

We are done with Valentine's Day cards here. Carson picked Scooby Doo and Kamree picked princess cards. We had fun stuffing them with Hershey kisses! Bring on the love!

timmonstimes said...

I made Corinne's cards using Photoshop this year but do plan on making fun homemade cards next year. I am going to try to create a heart shape with her two hands using finger paints to sign her cards this year!

Love the kiddos's Valentine gear! :)

Sara said...

Lainey + that hat + those pigtails = L O V E!!!!
So stinkin cute! I can't get over it.

Very creative ideas for Valentine's. I wish Hudson could fold and cut...or even draw. Or even pick up a marker. Hmmm... Guess Mom will have to do it this year!

Dee Stephens said...

not a big fan of Valentine's Day even though I wanted my wedding to be that weekend..
cute crafts though!

Anonymous said...

being bossy IS hard work...girl after my own heart!

and martha stewart has helped me plan many a child's birthday party...loving her!

Annie said...

Beautiful valentines stuff.

Following you from Friday Follow.

Kelly Beatty said...

I saved that card because it was so cute. Additionally, Valentine's Day is my favorite day...I think because my birthday is the very next day. It's like a 2 day celebration. LOVE it!

Coco said...

Those are the heart tights TM has!! Mrs. Mack passed them down to us from Missy Mack. Love them.

Carter, that pumpkin butt, always so gorgeous.

And I totally get Lainey's bossy exhaustion. It is soooo hard being in charge. I feel her pain. I do.

Love the goodie that you rec'd. I need to order myself one. You're welcome, lovah.

starnes family said...

Shannon, no we don't do "gifts" so to speak. I'll pick up candy and such, but no big gifts.

Don't be scared of the "children" word. It's actually quite nice.

cookinglady said...

Wow you really have a lot of different ideas going on. So cute.

You also have an award go to

Malinda said...

That Valentine is how I remember Carter looking from when we worked together.

We have a playgroup Valentine's party at my house tomorrow where we are making paper plate Valentine's card holders and exchanging cards between the kids. I'll post the results on my blog.

I'm going to have to try the candy dots. Where do you find them?

FROGGITY! said...

GOODNESS! the cuteness. y'all are ready for the season!

i am loving pic # (hold on let me count...) 7 of lainey with the teary eyes. so much drama in the lbc. haha it's darling.

i love valentine's crafts and attire! we'll have to start getting creative this week. i feel inspired now. :)

cookinaldy said...

You are so welcome Casey and once you go through the rules, it's a good way to bring more traffic to your blog.

Have Fun

Unknown said...

We're making our valentines too! So easy and lots of fun!

WOW i visited your blog just this am and you've done a big switcheroo! Looks nice!

Pop by, i have an award for you:

Jennifer said...

Lovin the new header! Oh, Louisiana is where my heart is!!

P.S. Love the kiddos in all their Valentine's get-up! Do it while you can before they know any better!

Kim said...

WOw! The love does spilleth at your house. I am going to borrow some ideas for my house. I have a heart on both side of the front door that is it. I do have a v-day outfit ordered for Lyss and cards purchased for both kids, more that I could say this time last year. Cute pictures of the punks, you tell em Lainey!

Merry Mack said...

I was ticked off last year when we had to make Missy Mack's V-Day cards, but now I am sure we will not go to store bought ones. I think this stems from me not thinking that 9 letters in a child's name is too many. If you like making valentines, you have to see this site:
Scroll down see them all because she has posted several ideas in the past few days.

Cute post.

starnes family said...

Candy dots can be found at most candy stores.....I think at Target, too. They come in long strips. The candy just peals off the paper and it gives the little ones something to do!

SASS said...

The girls and I always give a gift to Tony from us. We're his Valentines. Should we include Josie in this tradition this year? He's mostly annoyed by her.
Remember that heart mold I was asking you about? Yeah, now would be a good time to have that. It's gone and melted on me again. Sheesh. Your babies are too adorable. I can't take it.
Carter's 3 year old valentine? TO DIE FOR. Little cheekers!

Rebekah Williams said...

I can always come here for my daily dose of funny!

I've been working on some MStewart crafts, too. Her ideas are inspiring.

Great photos today!

merrilee said...

Love these ideas. Will definitely steal a few. . .especially the candy dots--why didn't I think of that???

Holly Lefevre said...

Look at you go...
Your kiddos are just too cute!
My son wont let me/us make valentines anymore...too "girly" he wants Star Wars!
I am inspired by the beautiful photos of valentine things!