I'm feeling lots better. In fact, I felt a huge improvement just hours after starting on my prescriptions. Steroids can work wonders. And, keep you up for 28 hours straight. I got a lot of reading done.
With this little episode nearly behind us, the entire fam will be drug in for flu shots this week. We're taking no chances on anyone else getting sick. Lack of routine and normalcy creates illness. Exhaustion, too. All in the forecast for us.
And, according to this site, this year's shot WILL include 3 strands, including the H1N1. Wonder if those opposed to it last year will not get one this year? We vaccinate. If it's available and recommended by our doctors, we do it. But, I know lots of people had questions last year. No doubt, the media helped feed those uncertainties.
In between making enormous life changes, we've done our best to keep the punks in their routine. Carter's in school. Lainey and Jack are up to their usual nonsense. Blake took them to the KC Zoo, the Deanna Rose Farmstead, Union Station, Crown Center and Kaleidoscope. All while I was sick at home recovering.
Blake = good dad and husband.
The week prior, we enjoyed a lovely morning at the Farmer's Market.....just one of the many things I will miss about Overland Park as we venture west.
Jack's bounty.
And, Lainey's.
Cutie pie.
Yall know I'm big on markets like this and supporting local business.....especially farmers. Take pride in where you live, peeps!
Want to know one of the hardest parts of this move? Parting with old loves. (Not Blake....he's making the move.) I'm talking about furniture we've been hauling from Texas to Colorado to Kansas. Carter used this collection, below, upon exiting the crib and until we bought the bunk/loft system currently used by the boys today. I kept the armoire and dresser that go with this because it blends well with the bunks. But, these......have to go.
And, this. The rocker used to rock each of our babies to sleep. Started with Carter and moved down from child to child. I will be sad to see it go.
Blake and I are big on keeping furniture and buying simple, quality pieces that will last through the years.......and hopefully decades. I'd much rather re-paint something (as we did with this rocker with each nursery) than buy something new.......not only to save money, but because it's yet another extension of recycling.
So, we've made a lot of money from a garage sale on Saturday and lots of CraigsList buyers. And, no one got murdered! Awesome.
New subject. Donuts With Dad.......last Friday at school.
Blake said the PE teacher, whom directs traffic and sets up the cones in the parking lot, went up to Blake and said, "Man, I hear those carpool lanes out in San Diego are really tricky. You ready for that?"
Caroline has confirmed with me that we are the laughing stock of the teacher's lounge right now. Can't blame them.
The littler punks are busy resurrecting toys from areas we're cleaning out. Meow Meow got a ride on the train.
Packing starts tomorrow, bloggies. Our ticker shows 13 days until we move. Pretty close, although we're not absolutely sure of the exact drive out day. What I do know is that the freight carrier will drop off the trailer next week. For us to fill with the contents of our lives, now scaled down about 40%. We've accomplished a lot so far.
Place to live? Still working on it.
Jobs? Still working on it.
Quit worrying about the little things! :)
I love that rocking chair! So sad to see stuff like that go - but it will be worth it in the end. Glad you are feeling better!!
I hate getting rid of certain things too! Lainey is getting so big!!
SO glad you're feeling better. I was feeling guilty for keeping you on the phone the other day. I don't think you've ever said, "I seriously have to go. I feel like ****."
Steroids & book time. That sounds pretty good right about now.
Farmer's Market. I need to make more trips out there. Love the pic of cutie Laine.
And I could have told you that yall are currently the laughing stock of the teacher's lounge. Or at least Blake is.
It's also hard to part with that sample sale furniture because we got it so cheap! Cason is still using his Cargo and will for a few more years.
Glad you are feeling better!
Glad you're feeling better. Take care of yourself. Moving takes a lot of energy.
Too bad you're so far away because I would sooooo take Carter's old furniture off your hands. In a heartbeat.
It is hard to part with old things, but at the end of the day, they really are just things. You're taking the most important things with you...memories. =)
Blake is a rockstar dad.
I have been meaning to tell you...after all your school parking lot issues...at Meet the Teacher night for Carter and Preston, as we were leaving the school, Ryan procceeded to run over the "slow down, children crossing" sign in the crosswalk. In front of everyone. Sweet.
I bumped into the car in front of me in the pick up line at school on the first week. WITH MY FOOT ON THE BRAKE and everyone around to watch the crazy lady rolling forward and not having any clue about it. I had leaned over to pick up Sophie snack (at my feet, not hers) and let my foot off just enough that I rolled. I screamed b/c I thought that I had been rear-ended. I got out and was still totally confused and asked the woman in front of me, "Did I just hit you???" She looked at me like I was crazy and said, " Umm, yeah." Thankfully it just left a screw size mark and she decided to just forget it. I am now the crazy woman that everyone needs to avoid. So, I feel your pain! Oh, and just found out she's in MOPS with me and I had no clue so I will be running into her for the next 9 months indefinitely!
I have already told you that I think the move is awesome and that I am jealous. I can't wait to read all about your adventures in CA. I'm cracking up about what the P.E. teacher said to Blake. Glad you are feeling better, flu shots are important. That's all I've got on a Monday morning!
so so glad you are feeling better and yes, exhaustion will weaken your immune sista!!! SLOW DOWN, if you can. Luckily you had B home to help out and entertain the little ones and get in all those final KC sites. I am so sad about the rocking chair. I have a hard time parting with things like that. Should I come get it and keep it for you? Then if you ever want it back....
The teachers probably have a countdown going for you...just kidding HA
Malinda - I know! It's still great furniture and I would have kept it for years (as I am the armoire and dresser) if I didn't need the bunk system for the boys.
Rocker update! Sass is taking it. Keeping it in the family. Love that.
I can never get rid of furniture, so good for you! Especially that furniture, which looks so classy!
Love this line re Craig's List: "And, no one got murdered! Awesome." Funny.
Yay for Sass taking the rocker!! So glad you guys are getting everything in order and ready to go. You actually sound very organized - I'm pretty impressed.
And Blake does = superstar daddy and husband!
Hang in there!!
I can't believe you sold that rocking chair.
I don't know you at all.
Please don't call or speak to me for 3 to 5 business days.
Sounds like you are making progress. Glad you are feeling better too! Take Care.
I love this post.... I love your outlook on life. Your adventure is going to be amazing... and I can not wait to hear all about it.
we just did the flu mist the other day. sorry you weren't feeling well! what a time for it, huh?
i need to go to our farmer's mkt! that one looks fab!
p.s. my WV right now is CRACKING ME UP... it is 'vagies'
seriously?! sorry, i just HAD to tell you.
you're furniture looks like you--i mean, like your personality. it's a compliment. particularly the rocking chair. adorable.
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