Monday, November 01, 2010

Question Of The Week

I guess it's fair to say that you've wandered into unknown territory when you are considering getting a restraining order against your own husband.

I kid, people. I kid.


While job hunting, Blake created a profile on Linked In for me. (Notice the irony? He signs me up for Linked In and I sign him up for Facebook. Man, he needs to get his priorities straight.)

Anyhoo......I finally log into it not long ago to find "the" picture as my profile picture. "The" picture was taken....Oh.....I don't know.....7 years ago? He's told me it's his favorite before, but this is going a bit far. I suggested changing it to one that actually looks like me.

"Nah. I like this one."

Sure, I've gained a little weight since then. Bore two more children and aged 7 years. But, I think it's a little concerning that he's hanging on to this photo. I picture him in his office staring blankly at his screen saver willing me to look like this again. Yes, "the" picture is on his screen. And, it's pathetically about 2" x 2", so it looks ridiculous. But, he still stares.

So, I'm wondering.

***Does your significant other have "the" picture of you still hanging out somewhere? Is this grounds for taking police action? Totally precautionary, of course.


starnes family said...

No, Andy doesn't have one? Or, no I can't file a lawsuit against him?

Shannon said...


Kim said...

Oh yes, it is in his man cave and at work. One from when I was in college! Great picture of you by the way!

Kristen said...

Since I don't have an official significant other... I can't answer the first part. Maybe some random has "the" pic of me. Creepy. But yeah. Totally file the lawsuit :)

And for the record... you looked fabulous then but I think you're even more beautiful now.

The Soladay Family said...

Ryan has one on his phone as a screensaver of me that I hate, but he loves. What's worse is one of me in a bikini that he made my contact pic on his phone, so everytime I call, it comes up. He does have one of me from HS that my mother gave him that he won't let me throw away. Gag.

BTW, that really is a good pic of you. You have good skin.

Allyson and Dave said...

Dave has "the" picture of him instead of me. He is freaking out about loosing his hair so he hangs on to the days when he had a full head of hair. I tell him not to worry about it. Who is he trying to impress anyways. There is nothing you can really do about loosing hair unless you want to surgically implant hair on your head and that sounds painful and might look funny.

Sara said...

I was kind of wondering about that whole Linked In business. Funny. I love that picture!

If Trey has a pic of me that he's hanging on to, I don't know about it.

And no, it's not grounds for a restraining order. It's actually pretty cute if you ask me. :)

Lauren W said...

No. I wish he did. Rob's all like, "I love you just as you are. I don't care that you have bags under your eyes? 10 extra pounds since the wedding? Who cares? More to love!"

I shouldn't complain, but it does make me wonder if he's really looking or giving to stock husband answer. Hmmmm.....

Jillian Bennett said...

Jesse does have "the picture", but it is not one to be up at work!
I do think that is a very good picture of you, but I think you are more beautiful now.

Monica said...

We don't have "that damn pic" out, but whenever Bobby sees it on the computer he swears that was the night he fell in love...again.

Pam Bowers said...

He might in his wallet but I'm pretty sure he never ever evah looks at it.

donatelli98 said...

Not that I am aware of ... he did have one from college at work for a long time - last time I was there I made him get rid of it. Now I provide him with only "good" pictures of me. So did Blake send the linked in request to me or was that you?

starnes family said...

Probably Blake. I'm not sure I even know how to do that.

Wow. Hope a future employer is reading this. Hire me! I can't even work Linked In!

Coco said...

Not that I know of. But that still looks like you. Totally.

Brittny said...

yes he does. it's not even clear. it's printed on paper. not photo paper, plain paper. i'm talking to someone and not even looking at the camera. it's in an acrylic frame, but too side for it so the sides are curled out. the photo behind it is even worse. he knows i will leave if he shows it to anyone. one of those pics taken with your eyes closed and you are making a weird face. most people would toss it. horrible!!!!!

Becca Jane said...

Nate & I are very even. He has gross pictures of me, and I have horribly embarrassing pictures of him. Neither of us dares to make a move....!!!!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I'm not sure. I will have to ask my husband. I love that picture of you. You look like you could be my sister in it. Men are weird.

Merry Mack said...

Heck, I still hang onto a picture of myself that I long to return to that look. Mr. Mack does carry of picture of me in his wallet of when I was 5 years old. It is a candid photo a photographer took and I am laughing. He loves the laugh, the look and says my face still looks like that when I am totally laughing in a moment. I think it is sweet. I don't think you look different. It's a great pic. I am in the not finding it weird vote.

Megan (Best of Fates) said...

Okay, that's adorable. You two win my cutest couple of the day award.

I know, be very excited.

Katherine said...

Not that I am aware of. I look better now than I did when we first met because back then, I was usually hungover and bloated. I also had bad eyebrows.
You still look like that picture!! From what I can tell being that I have not seen you in person in many years!!

Dee Stephens said...

Brad has a certain picture of 'us' that he loves. Us in swimsuits on the beach.
He thinks he looks 'fit'. Maybe so...he had it hanging on the front of the fridge. I moved it to the side and he's like "Why do you do that?"

Kelly Beatty said...

Sorry, I'm a little late on this one. Brian has zero pictures of me up at work, I am a "phantom wife". Any pictures he has of me, I have placed. And I only place "the" type pictures. Brian did tell me the other day I was "skinny at Todd's wedding (random friend of his) and our wedding." Nice.

Mrs. ABC said...

This is how he sees you everyday. :) Be pleased that the picture is acceptable and does look like you! It could be SOOOOO much worse, I am sure.