Aunt Caroline arrived on Saturday. I love airports. Love Actually says it better than me, but airports make me smile.
They bring us the ones we love.
Caroline treated everyone to See's lollipops. Cheers!
Our big boys helped with luggage.
We arrived home to a refrigerator full of food and a feast to prepare.
First up? The fruits & vegetable turkey.
We started with this:
Handled the young children some sharp pointed skewers and crossed our fingers.
Our final product.
No, no, no, I will not be taking orders next year. I'm going full on cookie-bouquet mode with this little gem. Gonna make a mil.
Caroline opened her luggage and out came the gifts. Souvenirs from the World Series. Yeah, baby!
Fast forward to 36th birthday......and we got busy again. After opening presents, Caroline kept the kids busy while I cooked.
And, by "keeping them busy", I mean tormenting them.
Blake mans the turkey and I do the side dishes. Exactly an hour before we dine, he removes the bird and I throw in my 3 casseroles. Upon removal, he exited our tiny kitchen to let the turkey cool on the patio because we had no counter space.
The fancy foil pan I bought gave way and hot juices were flowing.
Like any good wife, I huddled in the kitchen laughing, composed myself and grabbed my camera. Here's Blake trying to slow down the burns. With the backyard hose.
We cleaned that mess up, kept cooking and finished the feast. Bob, Donna and kids arrived soon after.
The kids' settings..... Lainey looks like her usual, delightful self, probably upset she wasn't placed at the head of the table.
My adorable cousins, Erin and Cam.
The whole fam damily. We ate and talked for hours. So much fun. While I usually am in no hurry for our kids to grow up, Cam and Erin give me reason to look forward to teenagers. It's so nice to sit with articulate people who don't throw tantrums and can contribute to a conversation.
Pepper enjoyed the scraps. Pugs are so pretty.
This really sums up our exhaustion at this point. The little ones crashed early and Blake was snoring on the couch at 8:13pm.
(Blake, pay no attention to Batman snuggling on your side of the bed. It's my birthday! You can't be mad.)
Plans for tomorrow? Christmas at Disneyland. Cannot wait!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Looks like it was filled with so much love and fun, and the celebration is set to continue tomorrow (and surely for the rest of the week, since it's Thanksgiving too!).
Happy birthday! Best way to celebrate is with lots of family.
It looks like you had a great birthday! Have a fun week with Caroline! I can't wait to see your Disney pictures!
I'm so glad Caroline is doing so well and could make the trip! Happy belated birthday!! Happy early Thanksgiving and even earlier Christmas!! Have a great time and I'll keep checking for updates like always!! : )
Happy Birthday Casey - A day late!!Mine is next week - and I will be 36 too - now someone else who is closer to 40 than 30 will be there with me!!
Happy Birthday!!!
I think your turkey was fabulous and so creative. You will make millions.
We are going to Disneyland today too. I promise I'm not stalking you. We have no school all week, and well, since we have passes, it is free.
Happy Birthday!
I'm sitting here having the best Monday morning in forever cracking up while reading your last 7 posts. Jack and Lainey. Holy hell, those two are trouble. I was embarrassed for you when Lainey threatened a punch to the poster child and I cried with you when I saw their empty carseats. They look so big. They are so big!
Carter's tantrum over jeans..."are you saying your father looks like an idiot?" "yes! every day! my life is over." Oh my gosh I'm rolling right now. Tears flowing. For so many reasons.
And Caroline! Off dialysis!!!!! I have no words. But I did find more pictures of you two at my mom's I must send while she's there.
Happy birthday, sweet Case. I love and miss your family so much it hurts. But reading eases some of the pain. I feel like I'm there baptising kitties and laughing at Blake hosing off his wounds.
LOVE! Chat soon.
followed you over here from your comment at Angry Julie's - I think that Turkey is BRILLIANT! It might just be the "thing" to make VeggieTeen's thanksgiving truly celebratory after all.
of course, if he'd just give in and eat a little meat I'd be okay with that too...
Sounds like your holidays are off to an awesome start! Too funny about the baptizing of kitties. My daughter and one of her friends have actually "bathtized" kittens and a hamster!
And Happy Birthday!
The fruit and veggie turkey is so ugly that it's almost cute. And I feel sorry for Blake. I burned my hands on overflowing potatoes this weekend - it hurt like hell! Carter's jean comments have me cracking up. I love that kid. Even more so b/c he's not afraid to call his dad an idiot. I love it.
So happy to see Caroline looking SO GOOD!!! Y'all have a blast this week. Can't wait to hear all about Disney today.
p.s. Of course I didn't get your bday gift in the mail when I should have, so be on the look out this week, old woman.
Great post and so fun that ya'll did dinner early! Have fun at Disney and like I wrote on FB. Happy belated Birthday!
And I think you might be the only other person who loves Love Actually as much as I do. Heath Ledger's airport monologue is my fave... love it. The pics of the kids greeting Caroline are priceless. So much joy!
And I love Batman's glowing eyes from behind Jack. Awesome!!!
Hope you're enjoying every minute of your special day- you soooo deserve it. And have fun tomorrow!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, have fun at Disneyland!
Pugs are pretty. I miss my puglet.
Happy, happy birhtday! Can't believe I missed it. Glad your dinner went well. Say a prayer for mine. Enjoy your visit
Happy Birthday, Casey! So, so, so happy for your sister. Love Carter's reaction to his jeans--why does everything seem so much more serious when u are young?
HaPpY BiRtHdaY! What a great way to spend it and Disneyland to top it off, not fair!
Mason said he wants to go to San Diego so he can lay under a palm tree on the beach :). I thought of you and you getting to do that anytime you want. Have a great week!
Yea, somebody else who sees how awesome teens can be! I love my teen in case I haven't mentioned that before. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FAVORITE CASEY! I'll be joining you in old lady hood in a few weeks.
Disneyland! And Caroline! And lollipops! So much awesome for one post.
I love the lollipop toast!
I guess I missed the birthday thing on the first time around.
I hope your day was full of celebration.
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