Crush by Dave Matthews - played often while we lived in Austin, pre-marriage, pre-babies, pre-reality. Reminds me of careless days spent sipping margaritas at Hula Hut dreaming of and planning for our lives together.
100 Years by Five for Fighting - loved it when we first heard it. Blake has always said we'd spend 100 years together. Certain lines in the song are parallel with our lives....was pregnant at 33....and after loving it for many months, this song was playing in the operating room during my c-section with Jack. Tears. And, not the kind brought on by the epidural.
You'll Be Blessed by Elton John - google this one if you're not familiar. One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists. It's about making promises to your children. And, keeping them.
***So, in honor of this sweet week of love, what are "your" songs?
(note: This and previous QOTWeeks can be found under the button above marked "QOTW".)
Look at you and your new digs! I'll be back with my songs. I just had to say, me likes!
The song we had sang at our wedding was "I finally found someone" with Bryan Adams and Barbra Streisand and that's REALLY FREAKING RIDICULOUS since we were 23.
So yeah.
ANYTHING by John Mayer.....don't even get me started on the sheer brilliance that is him....!!!!
Cranberries, Better than Ezra, U2, the Wallflowers....all of that music takes me right back to high school. Good good stuff!! I went to a Dave Matthews concert once, love him too!
LOVE it all.
Anything by Coldplay.
Did I mention we love Coldplay?
CASEY! Look at your blog!!! I love it!!! what's the scoop on it?
and you got a signature!!! i want a signature!!
Hula Hut makes me miss Austin!! Love that place!
And like I said before..lovin the new blog look!
Tremble by BTE - gives me the chills when I hear it..reminds me of college.
Bear Gone Fishing - WSP - Reminds me of my days living in Reno/Tahoe and driving up the mountain on a summer day to go get my hike on. The smell of the trees, the sun.. miss it all...
Smile by Uncle Kracker - what will be our wedding song :)
i wanna hold your hand - beatles. this is my dad and my song, i first remember him singing it to me at age 3 in the back of his truck... with ice cream all over my hands...we danced to it at my wedding.
and, come away with me - norah jones, i listened to it on the ride home after meeting my husband. :)
LL's is better together- jack johnson, or shambala- three dog night. special meanings and memories...
i am CRYING casey!!! i am one big ol' ball of emotions these days!!! :) and :(... haha
I'm really loving Kings of Leon right now, Sex on fire is my favorite song on their new cd. Also Los Lonely Boys - more than love. Jack Johnson, and John Mayer. I could keep going forever lol! Your blog looks great!
Oooh great flashback with the picture of the boombox! When I was pregnant with my son, I'll never forget the first time I felt him jumping around ... 'N Sync's Bye Bye Bye had just come on the radio. My daughter (two in two days!) is a big fan of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance, and can identify who sings it as soon as it comes on the radio - love that! Love reading everyone's comments - so touching, you guys are going to make me cry! :)
The Sweetest Thing by U2 is our song. Dave played it for me on our first date and said it was about us because it mentioned a blue eyed boy and a brown eyed girl. We also danced to that at our wedding. Our wedding invitations even started out with "a blue eyed boy meets a brown eyed girl, the sweetest thing."
I have this thing about Dave Matthews music...when I was in college my roomates would leave it playing all night long and I could not sleep because of it. So everytime I hear any of his songs it makes me think of that and I get angry. Therefore I have never liked the DMB. It is funny how memories can make or break music for you.
Michael Buble's song, "Everything"
I could stand up and start singing it right now with the biggest smile on my face just thinking about it!
And Jewel's, "This Way"
We walked in to our wedding reception to this song :)
I love your new blog "look"! Super cute, and I love the colors. =)
"This Year's Love" by David Gray...I walked down the aisle to this when Ry and I married. You have to check him out! I saw him at the Trubador in L.A. years ago and fell in love with him.
"Beautiful day" by U2...Does it get any better?! We played this at our wedding right after they pronounced us husband & wife. Still gives me chills when I hear it.
"Lost in This Moment"....our song...=)
"Don't Blink"....Good old Kenny...Such a great song about taking in each moment and enjoying the ones you love especially wife/husband and children because time goes by so fast. =)
Great question because so much of our life is linkind to music!
it's a shame that i can remember songs that remind me of morning sickness more than love songs. 'when we were young' by the killers makes me want to puke every single time.
but, then again, anything by maxwell makes me think of the husband. especially 'fortunate'...so beautiful.
Love the new look - how did you do it? Songs ... Mr. ESPN loves DMB ... so pretty much every DMB song reminds me of him. My fav DMB is You and Me and Everyday. Our wedding song was You Look Wonderful Tonight by Clapton. My kids love Jack Johnson's Banana Pancakes ... so funny to hear them try to sing the French parts.
Ryan and I's song is "Could not ask for more" by Edwin McCain...love it!
When we found out we were pregnant, the song "I've been watching you" by Randy Atkins.
Summertime was the song of the summer after Hagen was born...I would go on REDICULOUS long walks with him in the summer ( I had PPD so I had to get out).
I'll Stop the World and Melt with You - this has been Trey and I's official song since high school.
Genesis by Widespread Panic is another. And Sugar Magnolia by the Dead.
I love anything by Billy Joel and Elton John. Two of my all time favorite artists! Piano Man is still my favorite song to this day.
Hudson songs:
Love the song Godspeed by the Dixie Chicks. I put him to sleep to it every single night. And James Taylor, Sweet Baby James. And Billy Joel's Lullaby.
Love the new blog design. Very snazzy!!!
p.s. Y'all should really think about investing in an iPod....or perhaps even a CD player??? Wow...that "jambox" is ancient. :)
Love the new look! "The way you look tonight" from our wedding--love the oldies. "I will remember you" from when we were dating long distance. What a fun post.
My husband would say anything by Nickelback because he loves them and we have seen them in concert so many times.
But we love songs by bands from the '80s.
Gary A., Kenny C., Nora J. (so many lazy days in bed together listening to her sing to us), John L., Keith U., Dave M., Lenny K., Lady A, Darius R., Three Doors Down (first song he ever played from a group and pledged his love; later danced to the song in the front row of their concert!), Eric C., U2both of them!
Dixie Chicks brings back so many memories of my dad and playing songs for both my babies in my belly; and singing to them as they grown up!
These are a few of our favorite things!
OH, and the best of all... anything by Steve Starnes can take me away, bring me to tears and put the biggest smile on my face. Even the song he wrote for my 1st wedding makes me smile; it' about my baby angel!
Cross Canadian Ragweed's "Constantly" is our song.
And we danced to "Islands in the Stream" at our wedding party. Ha! Not kidding.
For Bram it is "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon. It was before I even knew he was a boy. And for Tess it is, "Daughter" by Loudin Wainwright. Heard it for the first time the night before I was induced and sobbed. I sing it to her almost every single day.
I'm totally loving your new blog!!!! Looks awesome! Did you do it yourself? And crazy for the stuff you've hung up. I love things like that! Our walls are concrete (literally) so it's a pain in the rear to hang stuff. THings like that dont' happen in our house.
Hello Casey! My name is Emily Devor. I am an old high school friend of Shannon Albert. She has mentioned your blog often and I have visited it a few times. I am contemplating leaving BlogSpot to use Shannon's Word Press offer. Blogspot doesn't seem to provide me the options I would like (fonts, format, etc.). Then I see yours and you are using BlogSpot and it is AWESOME! What are your secrets. I would love to here what you do. My e-mail is devoremi@verizon.net. Would you mind giving me some advice on format. Thanks!! Emily
Anything Jack Johnson, JR and I's first dance was to Banana Pancakes. We took dance lessons before our wedding so it was that much more fun. The CD we had for our lessons had Better Together as the next song so we heard the begining of that song during our lessons too. Those are my two favs, but I also love Angel b/c I used to sing it to Fiona when she was colicky.
I am also into Kings of Leon currently.
I used to make a new CD about every month to listen to in my car when I was in college, when I find any of those CD's it always takes me back to that time. Love it!
Fun post, as usual, and your blog looks great!
Your blog looks great. I love it.
One of our first dates was to a Chicago 17 concert so any time I hear a song from that album I think of us as teenagers dating in High School.
Later when we married Phillip became such a huge Fleetwood Mac fan that it infused our marriage with their music until I cannot hear them without thinking of him.
I always sing Return to Pooh Corner to Cason and he always asks me to sing the Pooh song. We also have it on his bedtime iPod music. So that is my song with my kiddo.
Wow, your new layout is SWEET! Hootie & The Blowfish Let Her Cry. Bobby was leaving for a baseball tournament in high school and we stood in the street crying while this song was on. How queer is that?!?!
1. You Say It Best When You Say Nothing at All by Allison Krause- This is what we danced to at our wedding and become kids again when we hear it.
2. Tangled Up in Blue by Bob Dylan- Mr. Mack was really into this song when we began dating and just makes me smile.
3. Sliver of a Moon by Ginger Mackenzie- We were groupies of this girl back in the day we just love this song.
4. Father and Daughter by Paul Simon- We saw Paul Simon and Bob Dylan together when we were newly married and now this is the song Mr. Mack hopes to dance with Missy Mack to at her wedding. We crank it up and I just love him loving her.
I love your new blog look! I especially love your fancy signature!
Loving the new look. And, you have sooo many new followers! I am impressed... songs??? hmmm... I'm still thinking!
I know I'm late commenting, but my song is definitely "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley. I love it and it fits most everything. When you're on vacation, you can crank up this song. When you're cleaning house, when you're stressed out, when you have a baby and realize that you don't know any lullabyes...it fits everything.
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