Let's start with everyone's reaction to my most recent post. Sorry to have entered into the bathroom talk realm, but it seemed entirely too interesting to keep to myself. And, I forgot to include what sparked the idea for the "Proof Our Kids Are Weird" subject in the first place. I was tucking Jack in to bed and realized that it was the night before Easter and I was singing "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" to him. No further explanation needed, I suppose. And, according to Caroline, we didn't need proof at all.
On to Easter......
Oh, first, I've been playing around on my new favorite site (thanks, Shannon), http://www.picnik.com/. It's filled with all sorts of fun features for photo editing. So, because I'm an amateur, please be patient. Our photos all look a bit different in this post because I'm trying out various options. And, I don't have time to go back and re-do them to my satisfaction. It's raining outside and the little punks need lots of attention.
We colored eggs on Saturday. I'm sure you can guess how this all went down, so feel free to skip through.

The weather was lovely, so we sat outside and saved our carpet.
If you don't have these clever little tools, buy some next season. If your child's name isn't Lainey, he or she will grab onto these and avoid dyed hands.
Is there an "Ugliest Egg" contest? We'd win for sure.
Afterwards, I put my treasured bunny planter back on the table. Blake loves it so much. Don't you?
Yes, it looks better with plants, but it's been snowing since November and I wasn't ready for the risk. All in good time, my friends.
Fast forward to Easter morning.
Notice the "short" pjs. I won.
And, would you look at that?! For the 6th year in a row, that crazy Easter Bunny broke into our refrigerator, stole the carrots and accidentally left some in plain view during his escape. The kids were fascinated.
And, then Lainey was worried he would be hungry later in the day because he didn't finish all of them. Our sweet baby Laine.
Looks like he got a few bites!
We took a walk later that day at Antioch Park.
Some girl at work made fun of Blake for his pink polo, so he refuses to wear it there now. Only on Easter do we get to see this pretty little gem.
Anyone want to make bets on how far the little ones will make it if we let them follow Carter?
Our punks. I love these goofballs.

See the difference? Remember, photo editing.
Lots of fun little houses for the kids to cruise around in.

And, bubbles!!!!!! No one choked this time.
The fam. Will life be boring one day when all 3 kids smile and do their best to not look miserable?

And, this is what it looks like when we leave.
Despite the cries, life is good! Happy Spring to all of you.
Nice pics. Our Easter started with an 8 year old meltdown. Lawd have mercy. It never stops.
(We got engaged at Antioch Park. Love that place.)
Love the pictures! Yes, Brad won't wear pink. He's too macho ;) Love the carrots for the bunny!
Fun day Casey. I have been using Picnik for a while now and am enjoying it. Most of my blog photos have been edited through picnik. Someday I will actually pay for some of the premier features.
There is no hope in the photos of children. I have a 15 year who still is a pain when getting a family pic sometimes. He is just way too cool for this picture nonsense. :-)
I love the editing on the one with Lainey, Jack and the Easter egg dye. Very cool.
Love our men in their pink shirts. Hot.
We had several Easter Sunday meltdowns - me included after my kids wouldn't smile for one picture! Someday we will look back and laugh!
What fun! Looks like a great Easter to me. The park looks really fun and I love Picnik for photo edits.
Good job on the photo editing. I love the captions you added to the one picture. Just too cute! Tell Blake to get over the pink shirt thing. Guys look HOT in pink!
Y'all would definitely win the "Ugliest Egg Contest"...just sayin.
I still can't get over Jack's hair. Love it!! Is Carter really as patient and laid back as he seems in all these pics?? What a great kid!
And Lainey - she is all girl. 100%. Love her to pieces.
What a fun Easter! Blake - get over it and wear the damn shirt. Pink is cool.
So funny that you mentioned singing Rudolph to your kids. My kids were singing Feliz Navidad the other day. Weird.
Love all the pics. And how much fun with the photo editing.
Shannon - so cool! It was our first time there. Really pretty area.
Sara - yep. Carter is incredibly tolerant of the youngest punks. Often more than me!
Love Lainey's dress(must be Etsy), Jack's hair, and Carter's ever-patient smile. Oh--and Darin has a pink shirt, too, and I think he looks so handsome in it. I agree, real men wear pink!
Too cute!!! I love picnik.com... use it all the time and tell everyone i know about its miracles!
It looks like you had a fun Easter. Cute pictures of the punks!
You are always so good at capturing their faces! Looks like a fun beautiful afternoon. Good job on the photo editing. I haven't gotten brave enough yet. I also love the carrot escape. I might steal that idea if I remember in 364 days. We don't have those egg grabbers so my eye is out. I am with Blake, that bunny pot holder thing has no words.
You are sooooo brave for dying eggs with your kids. I will NOT go there with my kids. They only get to dye eggs at Grandma's house.
i spend entirely too much time on picnik. it's sad really.
happy belated easter to you!
Our family pics come out the same way! It would be a miracle if everyone was looking at the camera and smiling! ha! Looks like y'all had a great Easter!
I LOVE Lainey's buns! I mean, her hair buns, not her baby bottom buns. Although, those are pretty cute, too. I can almost hear her saying "YOOK! MOM! YOOK!" in that one pic where her hand is up.
Ugliest eggs ever. Yep.
Adorable planter. Blake has great taste for a man who refuses to discuss "damask".
Love Jackery in his short jammies, and the shot of Carter on the rock. He is SO tolerant. What a sweetie.
Pics are lookin good!
easter in KC looks fun, and normal w/ toddlers. love thecarrots. let me store that in my "ideas i steal from casey" file for next year.
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