Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stuff I'm Loving Right Now

1. Blake saved every episode of this show from the beginning because he knew I'd love it. And, he was right.

I love Peter Krause.
I love Lauren Graham.
I LOVE Craigh T. Nelson.
I love that girl from Traffic. (Blake says I'm "her" in this show)
I love that dude from Punked. Right? Wasn't he in Punked?
I love Monica Potter, although I can't recall where I know her from.
And, guess who else's name is on it? Ron Howard, people. It's that good.

Wikipedia says it's loosely based on the movie from 1989. I can see a few similarities......but it's not at all a continuation. It's not just for people with children. If you have parents, it works, too. Or friends, siblings, pets, etc. It's awesome.

2. Meow Meow is a celebrity! Click here to become a fan on Facebook. You are NOT going to want to miss her updates. That being said, my friend count is down 1 since Meow Meow exclusively went live. I'm not hurt by that. I'm really looking at this as a simple experiment to weed out the haters who can't appreciate a fan page for a stuffed animal.

Follower count going down in 3....2.....1......

Know what sealed the deal with the Meow Meow fan page launch? My friend, Natalie. From Building Better Moms.

We were cleaning up after brunch yesterday and she said, "I feel like I'm seeing a celebrity in person with Meow Meow here!"

THAT, people, is when you know you need a fan page. But, not until then.

3. And, finally, I'm loving the warmer temperatures. I'm loving that we're planting flowers tomorrow and that summer is around the corner (hush, Heather). We'll make our first trip to the Farmer's Market next week. We'll attend our first spring festival tomorrow night. Summer walks are around the corner and Kansas will soon be in full bloom.

Happy weekend, peeps!


Leiah said...

OK, I had to 'like' Meow Meow's page..who wouldn't? And I can't wait to get the wall posting from friends who know I can't stand cats IRL asking me what the heck this is all about. Not a hater, not a hater!

starnes family said...

Now, that is the kind of logic I like to see: "Who wouldn't?" That's what I ask myself dozens of times a day.

I'm glad you're not a hater.

Of fake cats.

I don't even care that you don't like real ones. Because you "like" Meow Meow!

Why did the "fan" thing change to "like" anyway? Does the Facebook staff just need stuff to do? All these changes.....

Anonymous said...

I was TOTALLY going to blog about Parenthood at some point. I haven't been so excited to watch a show since...since...I can't even remember. I love it, adore it, forgo sex Tuesday night's at 10 to watch it.

ps- yes, i spelled dinosaur 'dinasaur' on Sass' blog the other day. thanks for pointing it out to the whole universe. in my defense, i was coked out at the time.

Shannon said...

Holy awesome commenters. Ahahaha. I don't know where you recruit them but keep doing it.

I totally need a fan page. For me. Will you "like" me?

If the shoe FITZ said...

i like the show too..i haven't watched all episodes...but i have watched most..i read/heard somewhere that they did a show like this before based on the movie...but it totally flopped...but now trying it again. i totally all the people in it...

starnes family said...

They did, Fitz......about 10 years ago......majah disaster. Got it right this time.

Tammy said...

Love this post. I may have to copy and post some stuff I'm loving right now... howevuh... i just don't know about Meow Meow on facebook... I'm going to have to digest that one a little... ha ha!

Shannon said...

Also, it's Punk'd. And, yeah, Dax was on it.

Yellow Beads said...

I see the previews for Parenthood and KNOW I would love it, but keeping forgetting to watch it!!!!

Dee Stephens said...

Love Meow Meow! I suggested that Rebekah become a fan of she a her?

The Soladay Family said...

I am so with Shannon on this one. Your commenters are off da hook today. Or last night. But I'm reading them today, so for me, it's today.

Tiffany's "coked out" made me, and now it's all sticky in between the keys on my keyboard. Great.

I'm always on board for random humor, so I had to "like" Meow Meow. If it were possible, which I know it's not, but I'm just sayin, Meow Moew could be like Flat Stanley and travel all over the world and stay with people like an exchange student/cat. That would be awesome.

starnes family said...

Shannon, I "like" you already, but I would on Facebook, too.

Tammy, you're a Meow Meow hater.

Shannon, thanks for pointing out how to spell Punk'd. (feeling old) Dax is really good in Parenthood.....surprisingly good. Really like him.

Dee, I'm referring to Meow Meow as a her, but the jury is still out on that one.

Allison, Meow Meow would squash Flat Stanley's fame in record time. I couldn't do that. Just doesn't seem right.

Moni said...

Not a fan of the show, I have to say, but a friend from college married Monica Potter and many of my SMU friends in LA have become friends with her and say she is super down to earth. I've only met her once before they married....she was in "Patch Adams" and "Con Air." And I know Casey, you will love this, it is said that Counting Crows wrote a song about her.

SASS said...

I think I just wrote on Meow Meow's wall. Is this really happening? I hope so.

P.s. Tiffany has trouble spelling animals, I've noticed. All that coke can do that to you, I suppose.

Coco said...

I am LOVING Parenthood. So glad to have good sitcoms/dramas coming back and not all reality stuff.

Such a good show.

And I am scared about Meow Meow. You have stepped into the deep end.

Sara said...

Love Parenthood!! Such a good show.

And I'm with Leiah....not a cat fan in real life. No siree. But I love Meow-Meow!

aunt caroline said...

Can't wait to visit your farmer's markets! It's the little things...

Carrie Darney said...

Meow Meow already looks like she has traveled alot...kinda rough looking. If you do send her on a trip like flat stanley, you need to stuff a dryer sheet up her...well, what is it? Hole? to make her smell better. She really can't smell good...

timmonstimes said...

Um, Parenthood is my favorite show right now! I love it!

FROGGITY! said...

your friend count went down?? i submit that it should go up!


i haven't seen that show but passed by it sometime this week ... may have to check it out!

Heather said...

wooohooooo!!! You are finally coming around to summer!!!!! LOVE IT!!! TOP DOWN IN THE PINK SLUG BUG EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! Summer rocks!

Haven't watched Parenthood.... need to... been meaning to... I just keep forgetting about it.

Live.Love.Eat said...

oh sugar, i meant to watch that show because I love the premise and who's in it. I'll google it and see when it's on so I can catch up.

Love your new layout. So fresh and puuurty!

Clare said...

We love Parenthood! I used to like Brothers and Sisters but now the drama has taken over the funny family situations, this is a much better replacement. I, for the life of me, could not figure out what "Dax" was from, I only watched punk'd (thanks Shannon) a handful of times though.
Headed over to "like" meow meow's page.
We are transferring our seedlings to our garden this weekend also.
I'm a fan of all the "stuff" you're loving right now.

starnes family said...

Clare - I totally agree. I used to watch Brothers and Sisters, too.

Update us on your garden!

Kristen said...

I realllllly want to watch Parenthood. It is on my list of shows to grab on hulu once I am done with this MADNESS known as school! I adore Craig T. Nelson- ever since Coach... and in the Family Stone. Oh I love him.
I am a loving follower of Meow Meow now on Facebook. So adorable...
And it has been beyond beautiful here. Which makes me sad... because I am stuck inside studying. I suppose just more motivation to get DONE so I can go out and enjoy the beautiful world that is warming up and waiting for me!