Some of us break them.
Last year, I aimed to read 30 books. I believe I'll finish the year at 38. Happy!
This year, I'm raising the bar.
1. Lose 30 pounds. 30! I've needed to do it for several years and now I'm going to. If I don't, I'm going to have to get pregnant, because 6 months after giving birth is when I am typically at my smallest. I don't get it either, but it's true.
I've teamed up with Cate and Sarah and will be blogging about my progress and will hopefully provide you with some links to other blogs to help you reach your goals, fitness-minded or not. Here is our Facebook page. Join us! More to come......

2. Yell less. I do it. I hate it. I don't yell at Blake (eye rolling is much more effective). I yell at our kids. Doing less of this in 2011 will make me happy. Punks, too.
3. Work. I'm hoping one of the two jobs I'm shooting for will be solidified this weekend. It should be at home with occasional office visits + marketing around the San Diego area. Fingers crossed!
I will continue to read and will keep track of my books, but won't set a goal for the new year. I got a Kindle for Christmas and already have a few books loaded on it, although I am enthralled with my current "paper" read. Will start on the Kindle next and then a series Caroline gave me for Christmas after that.
What about you?
***What are your resolutions? Care to share an achievement from 2010?
1. Get my damn puppy potty trained.
2. Be joyous and not judge.
3. Obtain Advanced Fetal Monitoring (work goal).
4. Standing goal: save money and lose weight.
I also meant to say "FIRST!" I've been watching old Tosh.o's.
I don't make resolutions. I never keep them and never really put much effort into making them come to think of it...
But I did read a heck of a lot of books this year, which I am very proud of. I think I had 20 down by the end of March? I began to slow down after that. I don't remember how many I actually finished out with.
Our main goal is to save a lot of money by this summer when we have to move. Wherever that may be!
OH! Just thought of a goal. Actually run a 5K without walking any of it. Didn't do that like I'd hoped this year, but when you have two kids to push and no way of pushing them you can't really get anywhere.
I'm going to join you on FB! My goal is to lose about 20 to 30 pounds. I lost those pounds year before last and then last year found them again. ha!
Good job on finishing all those books. I didn't even read one book last year. That's sad as I love to read and used to read a whole lot. The problem you see, is that I now have an iPhone, plus Facebook and my blog. I don't have time to read an actual book. LOL! I have 8 new books just waiting on me to read. I may make that my resolution!!!!!
Happy New Year, my friend!
Oh, I also just joined up for an 8 week winter health challenge. Shawn Algier from season 8 of Biggest Loser is one of the speakers for it. He goes to our church. I'm excited. So in 8 weeks I better be lookin' good. Ha!
Go to a movie once a month...BY MYSELF!! My sister finds this to be very odd, however, I need to do something by myself every once in a while to maintain some sanity. So, that is my only resolution which I think I can actually keep.
We've talked private about one of my goals. Is that really a goal or luck though? Who knows..
Also, save money and get a gallery wall going up our stairway. Decorate our house more instead of taking trips all the time...
*High five for the 38 books! And I have faith about the 30 lbs...but if all else fails just have another tiny.
I don't have resolutions. Because January 1st will roll around and it will be another day in a new year. [Yes, I can be totally lame at times...bummer.] I will just have to start getting the year down on paper. 2010 I mean 2011. 2010 FREAK 2011...that's how it will go for a while.
Eat is a yearly thing...I stick to it sometimes but this year I'm going to really focus. Diabetes is in my future so I am going to use that as motivation to keep it up!
1. Get in shape. I like my figure right now, but I want to be stronger.
2. Read more and watch less TV.
3. Learn how to cook. The other day, Kayln said that every one has their signature one dish that they're good at. I looked around and thought - not me! Need to work on that.
4. Snugle with my kitteh every day.
Tosh.O is a show on Comedy Central. You would know that if you spent less time reading and hanging out with your family and more time watching TV. Alone. In hotel rooms on work trips.
Okay so while you're losing the 30 lbs, I'll be gaining it for you. Nice. Can I start that series in July 2011??? I'll need it FOR SURE!
My goals:
1) Eat healthier for me and for the baby
2) Take Hudson on more "adventures" around our city.
3) Save money and stick to a budget.
4) Make a decision on working full time vs. part time. Of course, #3 has a lot to do with this one.
5) Make more time for my husband and my friends!
*Yell less. Yes, I yell at my kids. Every single day. But you already knew that! And to also just enjoy my kids. To let them be kids.
*To find the time to work out. Since I started working, I've been to the gym three times. And I feel like a cow.
*Eat healthier. For me and my kids.
*To have fun, laugh and compliment people every day.
*To have more dates with my hubby!
I am joining your FB page ... I have about 15 to lose! I need to think of my other resolutions but not yelling as much is a good one!
You do yell at the punks. They respond to it, though. They're scared shitless when you yell. I'd reconsider that goal. Proud of you on the weight loss thing! You got a Kindle?! Interesting.
1. Read more books! Now that I have time, I can finally finish Rise & Shine, Water for Elephants, etc. I tried so hard last semester to keep up, but I sort of needed to graduate.
2. Gain weight.
3. Work out.
4. Spend time doing things WITH the girls. I set things up for them and help them with toys and such off and on and encourage through, but I don't stop what I'm doing and sit down to play with them. I want to do this more.
5. Cook! I cooked for the first time in months last night!
6. Give Tony more blowjobs.
I have done a horrible job at my weight loss goal for my FL trip in just 10 weeks or so. I really need to shed 20 lbs. I am already dreading how jammed the gym will be on Monday.
I have done a horrible job at my weight loss goal for my FL trip in just 10 weeks or so. I really need to shed 20 lbs. I am already dreading how jammed the gym will be on Monday.
30 pounds?!?! Will there be any of you left?!?!
And don't kill me for saying this... but I fully support you getting knocked up. You birth the cutest kids in the world... and I'd be more than happy to see what adventures would be in store for you with a 4th little punk!!!
Great resolutions. Here are mine:
1. Lose 40 lbs (and yes, I mean it).
2. Exercise regularly.
3. Save money
4. Be that happy mom
No ONE is going to comment on Sass' #6? well, I am. Awesome. I wasn't going make a resolution but now I am. I am going to give and receive in 2011.
And re-lose the 20 lbs I lost last year and regained due to stress and head injury.
You've also got the Hunger Games to read!! :)
Those sound like great goals for the year. I'm with you on the 30 pounds, except I need to lose like 60! I'll have to check out the Facebook page.
My goals are:
1. Lose weight.
2. Travel/have adventures
3. Read as many books as possible...besides Twilight.
4. Pay off our two credit cards.
I have 30 pounds to shed too. JennyKate just mentioned the Hunger Games (above)
and I just read the first book. I think I'm hooked. It took me a few chapters to get into it but I stayed up until 3:00 am the last two nights to finish that book! Yes, it was THAT good.
Okay....I shouldn't do resolutions because I never stick to them but I may try it this year. I'll need to be vague about my goals...I think that's the key to success.
Patience...I am going to work on gaining more patience. I have actually been great with my kids on this of late but it is the rest of the world that I am more impatient with. Deep breathe...
I have other things I'd like to work on but this is my big one.
Love your list Casey! Sending good thoughts for the job!
you should have gotten a nook. Then we could share books!
30 pounds....there will be no Casey left! Sass--#6 is awesome....for Tony. My biggest goal is to get my son potty trained!
I want to lose at least 15! I need to follow your FB page. My whole post today was called The Blue Jeans Pain Scale given this weight loss goal of mine. Ha! I am also at my smallest about 6 months to a year after having a baby. I know mine is directly related to breastfeeding. I should've just kept pumping milk and...watered my plants with it or something. It was such an easy weight loss program!
BTW, your comment on my blog the other made me laugh. You're right! I am a bit insane. :)
Happy New Year to the kiddos. Call ya soon, Carter!
i don't really make resolutions, but for the past couple weeks i keep telling the husband how i never used to yell. ever. now i yell all of the time. it's so stupid and i hate it. i don't think i can quit cold turkey though--maybe they make a patch or something.
i don't really make resolutions, but for the past couple weeks i keep telling the husband how i never used to yell. ever. now i yell all of the time. it's so stupid and i hate it. i don't think i can quit cold turkey though--maybe they make a patch or something.
Thanks Mrs. Mack & Mer. I'm glad my #6 is appreciated by just one person around here ;)
And I'm with more punk! Please?
Great resolutions. I have just one and that is to have more date nights with Ben. I am also going to join your facebook group, thanks for sharing!
I mean really, how can anyone follow Sass' #6??? I give up.
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