Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Polaroid Pictures

Found this cute, free downloadable software a week or so ago and just made time to play with it. Get yours here!

The program allows you to see the photo "develop" as we did when we were kids and it even includes the trademark photo click and process sound. Also....a virtual shake if you're so inclined! Really cute stuff.

I'm going to share this with Carter after school today. Seems like he needs more reasons to believe I'm 100 years old. This should do it.


michelle matthews said...

HOW FUN! I loved my polaroid camera back in the day!

Live.Love.Eat said...

How cute. And how far technology has come!

Coco said...

Cute idea. So old school.

FROGGITY! said...

sh sh shake it, shake it... shake it like a polaroid piiicture...

sorry, had to do it. ;)

that's one cute photo and one cool site! :)

Anonymous said...

I can NOT wait to try it!!! Remember how cool polaroids used to be because you could shake the pics and see them right away. We used to do poloraid scavenger hunts at Collin Creek Mall in middle school! Okay, it's hitting me how old I am!!!