Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We don't let anyone live in this house unless they contribute to the freak show we've got running over here 24 hours a day. And, that includes our cat.

He will sit like this for hours....on the stairs leading from the first floor to the basement.....quietly requesting to be let in. No scratching. An occasional well-mannered "meow". Nothing more.

Toddlers will tickle his paws, poke at him with toys, tease him with frozen waffles. And, he keeps coming back for more.


The Jones Family said...

That is so pathetic... how funny! I will say that we would let him out for a few minutes and then put him right back in the basement because, well, I don't care for cats... Sorry Batman! You do fit right in though...

The Soladay Family said...

Hilarious! Our dog, Lucky, will literally try to open the door to our room with her paws. Animals are so funny. =)

Moni said...

Oh my! How sad! Let that precious baby out!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! Poor thing! I can't believe what a patient and well-behaved cat you have.

Allyson and Dave said...

That poor kitty...I bet he loves it. I wish mine were that well behaved. They meow and meow anytime they want anything. I get woken up many times throughout the night by them meowing because they want to play fetch. When I wake up in the morning there are 10 cat toys in the bed with me.

starnes family said...

How funny to wake up with cat toys! And, we do let him in most of the time.....but his potty/food/water is in the basement, so he goes down occasionally.

We love him. He's so patient and easy going and so easy to care for. Eventually we will get a dog....when all the kids are potty trained.....but I'm happy now with just out kitty. SO MUCH more of a commitment to have a dog.

michelle matthews said...

Oh how funny! He is protected in there! :) I didn't know you had a cat!

Dee Stephens said...

That is too funny! you're kids will remember that when they get older. Keep this picture for their scrapbooks you're keeping :)
I remember things our family cat used to do!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh my gosh, that is hysterical. And kinda spooky in a way.

Malinda said...

Dogs are so much more work! Especially old geriatric dogs. Ours are 13 and 15 now and they are more work than puppies. Not to mention the big vet bills. Stick with a cat.

Anonymous said...

At least your freak show of a cat doesn't live in the bathroom cabinets and greet anyone using the bathroom WHILE they are using the bathroom!!!

starnes family said...

Caroline, I kind of consider that a perk of visiting your house. :)

madelyn said...

ha ha, those paws are so funny.