Thursday, December 03, 2009

Brace Yourselves

Good morning, Internet. Are you ready for this?

And, to the great state of Texas......are you feeling a little more balanced today? Less chaotic? That's because Coco is taking her show on the road, crossing state lines and entering the Midwest. That's right. Blogging worlds are colliding and she's coming to visit.

I know. We're weird.

It's OK. We've heard it all.

While visiting with friends a couple of weeks ago, Coco mentioned that she was headed to Kansas City. Friends asked why.

Cue her husband:

"To see someone she met on the Internet!"

Laughs and laughs all around. Snickers. Jokes. Mild concern.

No worries, people. Chris Hansen is in no way involved in this meet up. And, as Sass cleverly coined the name of our would-be show "To catch a Coco", I assure you, we're OK.

Lots planned......lots of Kansas City to to to to play with. 5 kids. In one house. Plus, Blake.

If you have some free time this weekend, say a little prayer for Blake. Not only is he willing to tolerate Coco and me in the same vicinity for a long weekend, he's taking on all 5 kids this Sunday. All day.....while we do a historical home tour in Missouri with Sass. I know. He's a saint.

And, while you're praying for Blake, throw Batman in there, too. You know he's going to have an eventful weekend. He even has a new accessory. A Santa hat and beard!

He seems less than interested in the costume.

And, then, it looks like he's coming to terms with this all too familiar reality. Soon enough, he will be wearing the hat.

Not very enthusiastic.

Totally annoyed.

Nice smug look, Batman. Can't say I blame you, though.

It's a small wonder he ever leaves the basement. Caroline has a cat who mainly lives in cabinets, comes out to eat and go potty and otherwise, keeps to himself. I wonder why Batman has not adapted the same lifestyle? He has about 800 square feet of basement to cruise around in. No children to poke and prod him. Plenty of food and a kitty house to keep warm. But, he insists on coming back for more. And, we'll happily oblige.

I'm off to finish preparing for Coco's arrival. If something funny happens......right, "if"......I may post about it. Otherwise, we'll see you next week!


Mama Sue said...

Oh Casey! Your life will never be the same. Have a fun adventure. I have a black cat named Noel(we got him December 26, 2006) and he could pass for Batman's twin. I will be praying for Blake too. Put up the makeup and the markers before they arrive!

Dee Stephens said...

Can't wait to hear all about it. So, we won't hear from you until next week? :( boo! ;)

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

WOOHOOO!! I hope you guys have a great time!

Momma to the A's said...

You guys are going to have a blast! I can't wait to hear about this adventure!

donatelli98 said...

I can't wait to see the photographic evidence! I know you will all have a blast - well maybe with the exception of Blake and Batman!

Kristen said...

Your kitty is adorable... I just love that picture at the end of the cat with the hat and the beard!!! I try to put little "hats" on my guys (I have reindeer antlers for them) but they HATE it...

Heather said...

I'm already praying for Blake!

Seriously.... you cannot leave us hanging until next week! We want a play by play of Coco's visit!

Kim said...

You are going to have sooo much fun! Can't wait to read all about it!

The cat pictures are great but poor kitty, the hat and beard are so funny wrapped around his head, lol!

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

Hope you have a awesome and fun-filled adventure this weekend!!! I'm also sending well wishes for your husband to survive that many kids.

Sara said...

Praying for all of you............especially Blake.

Have fun!!

Shannon said...

People who still think it's crazy to form relationships on the Internet in 2009 aren't worth listening to.

I'll just be over here starting my hoarding habit to deal with the anxiety of your absence for the next few days.

People, I'm posting daily! Come visit me while Case is gone.

SASS said...


The Rand's said...

Next week?!?! Wahhhh!
Enjoy your time together love birds! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

michelle matthews said...

Woohoo! That is going to be so fun! Y'all live it up! I'll pray for Blake! I agree with Heather - we need play by play on this one!

Ceason said...

Good thinking posting this on the blog. When she turns out to be an axe murderer, we’ll have somewhere to point the cops to.

Merry Mack said...

Poor, poor Blake. Sounds super fun!

??? said...

I know you guys are gonna have a blast!! Can't wait to read the stories!!!!

The Lenzers said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! Cant wait to hear the stories. And poor Batman...and Blake! What a man

Heather said...

FOR THE LOVE!!!!! Will you just give us a little peak at Coco's visit!!!????!!!

starnes family said...

Heather! You're hilarious. Details coming soon......had a fantastic visit......loved every minute.

A few mysteries yet to be solved - like why Jack had poop on his finger randomly one morning. Still no conclusion there. Back soon! Promise!

Jodee said...

You are going to have soooo much fun! Your husband is a SAINT!