Sunday, March 30, 2008


Never been so happy to see our house.

Here we were so proud of ourselves and patting each other on the back for being so successful at this whole "road trip" thing that most people can handle so well.....when about an hour before the Colorado state line.....the bottom falls out.

Carter: Non-stop chatter box.
"Dad, did you like the hulk when you were little?"
"I can spell 'stand'."
"What does AM/FM mean?"
"Is that Denver ahead?"

Jack: Partial hallucinations, we believe....yelling "Choo choo?" at times when there was no train in sight and kicking Dad's chair while driving.

Lainey: Poor baby girl was so tired of living out of her carrier for the past week. We'd take her out as much as possible and put her on a blanket...or hold her....and she's in the baby bjorn constantly, but the fact remains that her car seat, her stroller seat, her "give her a toy to keep her busy seat" is the SAME seat. I can't wait to put her in her exer-saucer tomorrow to see her jump and play.

So, anyway, we're all home and safe and the kids are in their own familiar beds for a good night's rest. Batman is thrilled to see us. We're mostly unpacked with mounds of laundry waiting for me in the morning. Dad's back to work tomorrow and we're home....for at least a day....until I get antsy and have to be on-the-go again!


Anonymous said...

Did anyone cook fritos in the back seat?

starnes family said...

I laughed out loud, Caroline!!!! No, no one cooked fritos, but we were just about there and at times, beyond that level of insanity.

At least we were not in the middle of the RMNational Forest, snowing in September, with a plane to catch!

Anonymous said...

Yum...cooked Fritos...can I get that recipe?