Monday, March 24, 2008

Oklahoma City National Memorial

During our trip last week, we toured the Oklahoma City National Memorial. It was quite moving at times. Remembering that 168 people died including 19 children that day was really difficult.

The memorial is very well done, however. Some pictures....

Outside on the wall where people continue to leave momentos after 13 years.

Each chair represents a person who was lost on that day. The children are shown by smaller chairs.

This "graffiti" has been preserved on the wall that now holds the museum.

The tree of hope. This tree was near the explosion and stood up to the blast.

The wall of survivors. These plaques are hanging on existing wall from the original building.

On our way out, we took some more time to see the momento wall. It broke my heart to see a Thomas Train hanging on the fence...likely left there for a little one just about Jack's age.

Just inside the museum. It was a very moving experience walking through. It began with a wall stating "It was just an ordinary day". Then, a timeline took you through the events.

Chalk is outside for kids to color on this portion.

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