Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Blake and I have always been blessed with good sleepers and Lainey is no exception. We put her down around 6:30pm and she sleeps until 6:30 or so the next morning.

Yesterday, though, she was still asleep at 7:30....even after I went in to get her dressed. Maybe our little pip squeak is going through a growth spurt and will finally catch up to where the boys were at her age. Time will tell.

I took advantage of her slumber and grabbed my camera to take a few pics of our sleeping beauty. I love how she hugs her "lamby", a gift actually given to Jack at his birth by my cousin, Angie.


michelle matthews said...

Those cheeks are soooooo cute! She is precious!
That is great on all the good sleepers!!!!

Coco said...

Her crib looks a lot like Tessie Mayes'. Loveys and baby doll.