Friday, October 09, 2009

The Flu Shot

Lots of talk about the flu and swine flu these days. Found a great source on-line that gives basic information, tips on prevention and what to do if your child gets sick. Check it out here.

The little ones have had their flu shot, Carter is scheduled at his 9 year old well check and Blake & I will have appointments lined up next week. I'm on the fence about the H1N1 option. While I'm typically 100% on board with any vaccines available, this one has raised a lot of valid questions and the "newness" of it does have me concerned.

Our pediatrician said she was fine with us giving it to the kids, however, they didn't know if/when they would be receiving it. Oh, and I should mention that I've never visited a doctor's office I liked less than this one, so I'm considering my source. Note to Clare - scratch what I said earlier about our pediatrician!!!!!!

While in Dallas visiting Caroline, I spoke to a lot of nurses about swine flu and the consensus seemed to be's actual easier to handle than the regular flu. At least 1/2 of them also said that would not be getting the H1N1 vaccine.

So, is it all media hype?

We're definitely all getting the regular flu shot, as we always do. H1N1 is being researched.

What are your thoughts?


The Lenzers said...

The boys will be getting their shots soon. When I had Colton at the dr the other day, they were out of the shots. Hopefully Monday they will be replenished. I will not be getting one, I have never had a flu shot before. We are going to pass on the H1N1 vaccine. I am a little fearful of its newness. I do think we need to be extra careful to make up for those who are not, but I also believe the media has made it out to be worse than it is.

Anonymous said...

Hey Case, I'm a nurse and if the H1N1 vaccination is available to me, I will get it. More just because I've been vaccinated against EVERYTHING: Anthrax, Small Pox, Yellow Fever and never had any problems...not sure where I stand on kids getting it yet..because of the newness. Good luck in your decision :).

Kelly Beatty said...

Sorry, I am the "Anonymous" :)

Heather said...

As of about 3 weeks ago, my pediatrician was still on the fence about it. Not sure if he was going to give it to his patients. That's enough info for me not to give it to my kids. I personally do not think it has been around long enough to know the side effects later on. (Of course, I have a nephew with severe autism, so any vaccines at all concern me.) Swine flu is rampant in Keller schools right now. It does seem that it is not as bad as the regular flu. All the girls in our family got the regular flu shot and/or mist. The boys still have to get that taken care of.

SASS said...

A kid at Lainy's school got H1N1 last month. Tony and Mommy decided to NOT give them the shots. They're not sure of the affects, and Tony said the same thing the nurses said to you. He's read it's easy to handle, and curable, so he's not worried.
I think it's hype.

Becca Jane said...

I'm on the fence as well. Both my kids are getting their normal flu shots next week, my hubby already got his cuz he works at a hospital. I'm going to talk to our pediatrician next week at Allie's 9 month check and see what he thinks about the H1N1. I'm not really all that nervous about it.

Moni said...

I don't have kids, but I never get vaccinated for anything. I teach school....have for 12 years, and NEVER get sick. My immune system ROCKS now! I will say that I asked my gyn. about the H1N1 shot at my check up, and she said she WAS NOT going to vaccinate her kids.

The Jones Family said...

You know my feelings; getting the regular flu shot, as we do yearly, however we will NOT be getting the H1N1 vaccine.

Malinda said...

I went to my regular Primary Care last week for a sinus infection and I was talking to her about it and she told me that she was not trying to sway people either way, but that she was not getting her 3 and 5 year old vaccinated for the Swine Flu. Interesting that a doctor would not vaccinate her own kids. She did give them the regular flu shot though. She said the cases that she has seen have been milder than the regular flu.

If the shoe FITZ said...

My ob/gyn suggested i get both shots. Not sure if it's b/c I am pregnant or what.
I usually get the flu shot every year. And since there always seems to be a shortage I thought now's my chance to get one on time/early..b/c preggers get priority...and then I had to go and get now i can't get one and i'll likely not be pregnant anymore by the time I am well.
And I think all this pig flu is just hype and it's getting kind of annoying. I know a lot of people have died from this...but i am sure a lot of people have died from regular flu lately but it's just not mentioned...

The Rand's said...

My girls got the regular flu shot already but will not be getting the H1N1 vaccine. It's too new and it scares me!
I think the media has nothing else to report on so they're talking about swine flu CONSTANTLY! I agree with Fitz. It's annoying.
Another thing that is annoying is the people that don't keep their kids home when they're sick!

5 Boys And Me said...

I'm on the fence about this one too - Clayton & Corbin have both had the regular flu shot, but I'm thinking we may skip the H1N1 this go-round and just keep hand-washing like mad and hoping we avoid any more sickness.

michelle matthews said...

Too much media hype for sure. As you know Tate had swine flu and it was no problem at all. Since then I've known two toddlers who have gotten swine flu and again no problem at all. No H1N1 vaccine for us.
Luke does get the regular flu mist.
He is also on a very delayed vaccine schedule because autism is in my family. My brother has Asperger's.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Still researching here as well but I leave that up to hub's since he is good with all that and into the medical side of things. But def getting the regular flu shot as always.

Allyson and Dave said...

I got the regular flu shot this year for the first time. And only because I work in a hospital and it was free. I think the swine flu ones will be free too. But since I already had it I think I may skip that one. I am worried about side effects. And I have been told that I cannot get it twice unless it changes a lot. I was only sick for 6-7 days. It was pretty bad but no worse than the regular flu.

Shannon said...

My fam doesn't get flu shots. We like to live on the edge.

Coco said...

We all had our flu shots weeks ago, flu is rampant early here in Hill Country.

BUT I will not be doing the H1N1, too new. Like you said, it is supposedly easier. A friend of mines 13 had it last week and it only lasted 3 days. Easy peasy.

My friend Kelly, who is an RN, had to get the shot because they are mandating it here in Texas, but she is not vaccinating her kids.