Thursday, October 29, 2009

Frightening The Children, Part II

More from our 2nd visit to Halloween Haunt at Worlds of Fun. Last trip of the year is tomorrow....they close November 1. We'll be back next year!

Loved this......some of the cast members (including the monsters) dancing.


Jack, of course.

Jack was intrigued with this pumpkin.

So, he tried to eat it.



We were totally thrown off. Then, Blake remarked on how many dozens of people likely sat on it before he touched it with his mouth.

The one vegetable he's ever made contact with. Figures.

More dancing.

Pretty sunset over Camp Snoopy.

Foggy, spooky old-fashioned cars.

Carter took the wheel. Jack and I sat in the back and ooohed and ahhed at everything.

Spooky stuff. Another disclaimer: the toddlers were not subjected to anything mind-warping or nightmare inducing. We're not total morons.

Skee-ball isn't scary, is it?

But, she is. Yes, that's a real rat. Of course, he's had his shots!!!!!!

Carter loves the freaks.

Elitch's in Denver did this, too......crashed amusement park cars. Clever and disturbing, all at the same time.

What's wrong with this guy? A rabid, morphed bunny rabbit? Looks harmless to me.

OK, that will about do it for freaking you guys out. Next up, carving pumpkins and roasting seeds. And, I'm here to tell you that carving 3 pumpkins with 3 kids is much scarier than any of these photos. Promise.


Mama Sue said...

That place is so cool! By the way thanks for commenting on my blog. I've heard a lot of things about you from Coco.

Coco said...

I am laughing so hard about the "we aren't morons" remark. Read my post today.

That place looks awesome. I don't think my kids could handle it.

starnes family said...

So sorry, Coco!!!!!! Can't stop laughing, either. We do have good timing, don't we?!