We had a big breakfast and then off we went. He'll ride the bus most days, but today I drove him and walked him to his classroom.
Our 3rd grader....
With little brother...can you hear Jack saying, "Cheeeeese?!" That is what that goofy face means.
At school...still such a good sport about my pictures.
Cursive name plate! This is a big year.
They wasted no time in preparing.
Love this nervous look he has each year before I leave the classroom. As I was walking off and starting to tear up as I always do, I turned around to see him still looking for me. Makes me think he's not THAT big....if he's making sure Mom is in sight.
He rode the bus home.....I waited outside in the shade.....it's a lovely day...and finally saw him jump off the bus like he'd been doing it his whole life. We talked and talked about his first day. Upon asking what he thought of his teacher, Carter responded, "Mom, she's an angel!" Again, not SO big with that kind of adoration.
Here's to a great year!
Why is he already home? Looks like a great teacher!! He looks so handsome.
Don't they just grow up so fast??? Before you know it your other two with be going off to school too! Sigh!
Oh, and this is so random, but I remember reading a long time ago about your sister having scleraderma {sp?}. My SIL was diagnosed with it too and she was only like 25. Her doctor said she was the youngest case she had ever seen. Praise God that she really has no symptoms and it is progressing very very slowly. I had never heard of the disease before my SIL and then I read about your sister. It's sad that there isn't much research on it and not many people are aware of it.
On another note, I might take you up on how to use my camera if I can't figure it out :)
Have a great day!
Jennifer, that is crazy about your SIL. I will have to tell Caroline.
Court, they had a 1/2 day today just to get acquainted with the school. First full day is tomorrow. Then, full force ahead on Monday!
I am choked up just reading that...what a sweet boy! I love this post Casey...such a treasure!
That's awesome! Love that the big 3rd grader let you take pics of him at school!!!
And I am secretly jealous of y'all that have kids going back to school. Avery doesn't go back until 9/14. Another month.
These pics are darling, as usual. Carter looks so grown up and handsome.
Love the new header--are you going to post any from the shoot?
Love this post! WOW! at least he's still letting you walk him to class!
He does look very handsome!
BTW - it's taking your new posts a while to get into my news feed?? it's not until I click directly on your page that I see your new post?
Wow, wasn't he just one year old when we worked together?
Great post. I know that I'm going to Boo Hoo when Cason goes to school. I'll probably cry when he goes to pre-school.
BIG boy! What a great day...
Sarah - yes, I will post the pics from the shoot once I get them on disc.
Dee - do you mean that it's taking a while for it to show up on the dashboard feed? I have seen that with a lot of blogs lately and I LIVE by that thing.....so frustrating!
Carter is such a cutie! Glad he had a good day! And, THIRD GRADE! C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!!!!!!!!
They grow way too fast. It's just not fair!
What do you think about no more uniform?
Missing the uniforms already! (FYI....Carter went to a Charter School in Colorado for 1st and 2nd grade and they wore uniforms - wonderful).
I don't feel right sending him to school without a collared shirt on.....at least some sort of polo.....and nice shorts.....that may wear off eventually, but I want him to look nice!
Such a handsome boy!
Cute - you saying you were tearing up reminded me of a conversation I had with my aunt tonight. We were discussing Chatty starting Kindergarten next Monday and she said at their school (she is a retired principal) they had a crying room for the parents! Too funny! He looks so cute - handsome!
Precious story about his first day of school. And LOVE the new pic of your beautiful family on your blog.
awee - he's so cute! precious boy! I'm glad he had a great 1st day.
Awe! This made me tear up! You are such a good mommy. He is just precious!
Wow, school already. You start even earlier. But that's awesome. He's all grown up.
How is it possible the little baby we strolled around those shops in Southlake (I vividly remember his breakdown at a MiCocina!) is a THIRD GRADER. It breaks my heart how fast they grow!
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