Tired Mama wasn't too tired to remember to capture this moment on film...love seeing the good and bad. Makes me feel like we're somewhat normal. They'll love seeing these pics in a few years and I'm sure you'll be looking back and thankful you're past meltdown phase.
Tired Mama wasn't too tired to remember to capture this moment on film...love seeing the good and bad. Makes me feel like we're somewhat normal. They'll love seeing these pics in a few years and I'm sure you'll be looking back and thankful you're past meltdown phase.
I bet this is when you were thinking "Can PR come any sooner?!"
Love this shot. You will all look back and laugh at this someday. I only have one baby that does this, you get to hear it in stereo.
This picture is great. You should send it to a magazine with your comment. Rest up in Puerto Rico!
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