Sometimes, I wish my name was Carter.
We said good-bye this morning and I proudly held back tears as I watched sister drive off with my baby. (Jack tried to sneak in, too.)
The group before departure.
I know he's in good hands. I know he's going to have the time of his life. It's a rite of spend summer break with family....we did it as kids.....I have the most wonderful memories from it.
I know all of this. It makes sense as I write it. So, why does it hurt my heart so much?
I spent many summers with my family and cousins in Arkansas!
so many memories....
Just think.. this will be something he remembers as an adult too!
that may help?
It hurts so much because he is your baby boy - there is just something about moms and their boys! Once we moved I would go back to FL and spend several weeks with my family - the best memories! You are so lucky (so are your kids) that you are so close to your sister! I hope CC and Bia do kid swaps when they are parents!
Aw Casey, I'm sorry you are hurting a bit! I'm not going to tell you what you already know...just wanted to say what a fun experience for him! It's good to let him do things like this from time to time! God love nice to have a sister like that!!
I'm sure it's tough - I can't imagine. Although it sounds kind of nice right now...ha! Where oh where did you get the precious watermelon dress?!
Just think how much sweeter it will be when you get to San Diego and see him again! On another note, love Lainey's little watermelon outfit. Can she be any cuter?
Aw, he is gonna have a BLAST! I bet he feels so grown up. Hang in there, mama. I don't recommend the ankle injury unless maybe you can fake it a lil bit. Its kinda nice to be useless but the whole pain thing is really a buzz kill!
What a great sister you have and I'm sure they will have a blast. He pretty much worships her anyway doesn't he?
My brother informed me that he would never watch Cason until he can wipe his own butt. (His words, not mine.) He doesn't have kids of his own.
Just arrived! All is well! Don't worry; we'll call you a million more times! :-)
Yay, that is so exciting for Carter. I can't imagine how hard it is for you guys, but (as you know) it is the start of some great memories for Carter.
it hurts b/c he'll always always be your baby. even when you're 80...
it's such a bittersweet thing!
but sounds like he'll have a blast. hang in there momma!
Watermelon dress was a hand-me-down from precious friends in Colorado! I love it, too!
Tears rolled down my face as I read that! Sad tears, happy tears! It's hard to be away from our kids, but it's also a nice break for you and him. Think how happy you'll be to see him! Caroline is an awesome sister and aunt!!!
What makes you a good mom is that you knew it would hurt your heart and you let him go because you knew it would be fantastic for him. So great that he has such a fun aunt!
Wow - Carter is so grown up.. where does the time go. Enjoy your time with the little two. Carter's going to have a blast! :)
Saying goodbye is always hard even if it is for such a short while. But your right, he will have a great time and make so many memeories. Call him often, as I am sure you will. BTW, your cake was just fine. I am sure it was all eaten!! Rice Crispies is about the only thing I can make anyway so I am impressed.
Awe! This makes me sad! You okay? You are such a good mommy!
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