My Aunt Donna and Cousin Cam joined us. They're local and experts when it comes to Legoland.
Carter and Cam rode this one.....The Aquazone.
And, we left our mark as usual......notice Lainey's sippy cup thrown into the water.
Little creatures everywhere.
Caught Jack mid-wipeout here on the slide. Poor guy.
Ball party! Just like Worlds of Fun.
No clever description needed here. fries with whipped cream. I only had a couple, but they were pretty good. Blake and Caroline loved them.
One of the funniest rides there......Jack driving at the Lego Junior Driving School.
Seriously. How much do they pay these people? Can you imagine directing these little punkins all day? Check out Jack about to fly right into the traffic jam. Genius.
But, he passed! Here he is with his license!
My Aunt Donna.....Jack......Caroline. A sweet moment.
Another cute ride.
Off to Mini-Land.....a fantastic display of Lego buildings. I could walk this area for hours looking at all the exhibits. The creators are (obviously) extremely talented and funny, too. Quirky little details everywhere.
Shannon.....this one is for you. Obama's cool!
While looking at this one, my oh-so-clever husband threw out, "Wonder how much 'stimulus' was used to build this display?" He got a reaction and a verbal high five from another spectator, which only encouraged him.
Many cities are represented. Here is New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Quirky little detail here? A man getting arrested on Bourbon Street. It's true life, people! Doesn't stop me from adoring this city.
St. Louis Cathedral.
Manhattan. Notice the scale of these buildings.....compared to the people looking at them.
One of my favorites.....Fairy Tale Brook.
Magical for the little ones.
And, our last ride....the Safari Trek. So cute!
We have a beach picnic planned for breakfast and some time in the sand should follow. Lots more to come!
I am too jealous. Boo on you!
Legoland looks amazing.
My sister has the same pic of Thomas the Train from when they went a few weeks ago.
SD is one of my fav. US cities!
LEGOLAND! FUN! LL would freak out...
How FUN! man, that would be so neat to have one in Dallas. I love the one of Blake and Lainey in the fairy boat ride...precious.
Make sure you get in soome picutres too Mama! I am guilty of that...always the one taking pictures and not enough of me in them.
Enjoy your picnic! And can't wait to see pics of Carter surfing!!
Oh so fun! So wish we could have met you. It is one of our favorite places!
Oh it looks like SO much fun! I can't wait to take the kids one day.
OMG!! Love the NOLA during Mardi Gras and the apple fritters look slammin!!
Looks like you guys are having so much fun! I want to go to Legoland!
Legoland looks like so much fun! Glad you all are enjoying your trip! Love the daily updates!
We were there Monday and Wednesday ... wished I knew you were there that day - I would have loved to say hi!
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