The Pioneer Woman
***I don't read her blog exactly.....mostly just browse recipes and keep up with her cooking. Haven't made a dish I didn't love. Fantastic photography, too.

***Celebrity gossip....made even more interesting with Michael K's writing. It's beyond raunchy.....don't judge me.....and don't look unless you can take a joke.

Drudge Report
***Slightly right winged (Ha! Shannon!) political news.....a great way to see what's happening without searching through a traditionally formatted news site.

Post Secret
***Weekly postcards sent in from all over the world sharing secrets of people like you and me. Some are sad, some are funny, some are down right frightening.

The Big Picture
***Their photography portion to be exact. News stories told through photographs.

OK. Your turn!
What are your favorites?
Thanks for the suggestions. I like the PostSecret one. I mostly follow friend's blogs but this will give me a new one to follow.
You can see celebrity and just really rich people navigate the real estate world. It is amazing how much money some of these people have to spend....and fun to see inside their homes!
Since I am an accountant, I check my bank online every day and reconcile it to Quicken. I also update my company's cash every day. So, I go to bank websites all day every day. LOL! For fun I check all the blogs that are listed on my blog. I also check every day to see what the deal of the day is. Never have bought anything from there though.
I have nearly 100 subscriptions to sites including all the ones you mention. Most of mine are geeky or industry related. I end up spending most of my online time on Twitter though.
Definitely going to check out Monica's real estate site. Cool!
I suggest I read it often and love what I find - new book, music, etc.
Also check out You'll love it. I've used it with my students and have gotten a lot out of it.
ps. Currently watching Ryan, Brian, and Carter try to defeat Bumblebee... I think. We live very exciting lives.
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