Lainey had no problems picking up critters - dead or alive. Jack squealed at the sight of her doing so.
Good morning, starfish.
How fun to see all of this in person.....rather than behind aquarium glass. It was really a special experience.
Carter lead the pack.
Sea anemone.
Messy, sandy hands and cutie pie, Laine.
Caroline loved it as much as the kids. Me, too.
We even found Nemo's mask.
Lobsters galore.
Crabs, too.
Caroline and I loved hearing them click, click, clicking away as they nervously awaited our departure.
Jack was fascinated.
I was thrilled to share this with the kids. I love a good theme park.....don't get me wrong.....but this was fantastic. Beautiful, natural, California.
Good morning, sea gulls.
Good morning, cute brothers.
Good morning peaceful and serene ocean.
Good morning, reality.
During the kids' naps, Donna and Cam came out to spend the afternoon with us. Donna brought tons of my grandmother's pictures.
After enjoying a juicy In 'N Out burger (totally lived up to the hype!), we looked through them.
It was a lot of fun to see old faces and tell stories and laugh. Lots of laughs. (Mainly about my hair in the late 80's.)
And, more about my goofy grandmother who always seemed game to pose with just about anyone or anything. We all miss her so much.
Later on that day, Caroline gave Lainey her first make up lesson.
She was thrilled to play and experiment. Aunt Caroline is so much fun.
Jack joined in the fun and tried on her shoes before dinner.
Lainey, too.
Love this pic......2 handsome Starnes men.
Dinner that evening at Seaport Village.
We enjoyed a last visit with Caroline before she departed the next morning.
What a trip, huh, Caroline? Definitely a favorite....and one for the record books.....thanks so much for sharing it with us!
how fun! Hitting the beach early and collecting shells, etc is one of my FAVORITE things to do! My Mom is really into it as well. The Outerbanks didn't have much shells, etc that washed up overnight. It was weird.
I love Cali... would love to live there if it wasn't so far from the fam.
LOE the natural sea life...such a true life lesson. Glad the trip is going so well!
So much fun!
I want a Caroline! I love her so much...what a sweet girl and GREAT aunt!! I loe the pics of you and the real huh?!
I am also so glad that you are posting from the road...this will make your life so much easier when you return...and we can see what you are up to!
What a trip, indeed! One of the best!
I totally have In-N-Out on my list. You guys are having SO MUCH FUN and I am stuck here at work coutning down the days (36 more) until my California trip!
Sounds like so much fun! I'm soooo jealous! Wishing we were at the beach, too!!!!
Love this post!! Hilarious, "back to reality!" So true.
Looks like y'all are having a ball, can't wait to hear all about it. Miss you!
Love the "real" pics--too funny! Too many favorites here to list, Lainey and the make-up, Jack and Carter in their matching shirts, they are all beautiful. What a fun trip for a great family. . .when did you say you are moving out this way??
Love the early morning beach pictures. Me too on 'good morning reality'--cracked me up!
Thanks for the feedback, Casey. I'm not sure I knew that about your family! I definitely agree. You're living it right now--your kids will never forget that road trip!
P.s. looking back through these pictures of Caroline and Laine with the makeup reminded me of when you used to let Katie and I mess with your hair. We'd watch The Little Mermaid, you on the floor, us on the couch, and you would let us do ANYTHING! You should have known what a good mother you'd be :)
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