This week has been a challenging one with my transitioning into working 2 days a week....finding a nanny to take care of the kiddos until Lainey turns 1 and can qualify for part time care at Primrose....being soley responsible for Jack's transition into a big boy bed because Blake has been in Reno, etc. Exhausting!
To my surprise, however, Jack has without hesitation or resistance, slept in his bed for nap and nighttime! His crib is a distant memory and will be taken down tomorrow, actually, as his room becomes the guest room on Saturday. I've been mourning this loss, much to people's surprise. I love having babies and with him now in a bed, it makes me very sad. I know most parents can't wait to get rid of the crib, lose the bottles, have their kids potty trained, but I'm not like most parents. It's always very emotional for me to go through these changes, as with each one, they get bigger and bigger and soon off to college. :)
You crazy.
Just kidding but I really don't relate to the baby thing. Kids are so much more fun (to me) when they are older since most of your time when they are little is spent on providing the basics for them - food, hygiene, etc.
I will confirm that kids do grow up super quick. It seems like Payton was just starting kindergarten but in a year, she'll be starting high school.
My baby just turned one year old today! I know exactly what you are feeling. I've been thinking all day that it seems like I just had Cason.
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