Saturday, March 14, 2009

One And A Half Years Old

Lainey Bug has gone and turned 1 1/2 on us. A few pictures from her first days:

Handsome Daddy. Yep, he still makes me swoon.

My monkey haired daughter. 7 lbs, 15 oz.....21 inches long.

Sweet big brother, Carter, age 6 here.

Pa, Britney and Brad came in for Lainey's birth. I love Jack's already judgmental face here.

And, now she looks like this..... 22 pounds, 32 inches. Total shrimp, as Blake says.

Can't believe how much her hair has changed.

I can't believe how much I love her. She is an everyday everyday reminder of the sweetest things.

And, here is the link to a post showing the similarities of Lainey and me when we were babies. It's pretty amazing.


Dee Stephens said...

I can't believe how much her hair has changed either! I hope I have a little girl one day :)

Coco said...

Her hair cracks me up. But you can totally see Lainey.

The picture of Blake and Lainey in the hospital makes me want another baby.

The Lenzers said...

so beautiful! doesn't it make you ready for #4?

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, so very sweet!!! I love newborns with pacis almost as big as they are. So cute!!!