All right. Stop drooling over that fine automobile and let's get down to business.
My first car was a 1980 Ford Mustang in this gorgeous shade of baby blue. Did I want it? No. Did I hate it? Yes. Why would I buy such a thing? Didn't have a choice.
My big brother had it and was going off to college, where he was on campus for the first year and didn't need a car. So, I inherited this beauty - after paying for it, of course. I paid for the car, insurance, gas, maintenance, etc.
Now, keep in mind, I went to Plano Senior High School. My best friend drove a super cute Nissan 240SX (is that right, Monica?). All my friends had nice cars. It was all around horrible.
***What was your first car? Did you pay for it? Give us the scoop.
Um, nice ride, Case!
Dad got me first a 92 convertible mustang that I had to share w Mom for the first year (simply to torture me I think)... How dare you, Papi :).
Anyway, Senior year she was all mine! 3rd day of school I was the 4th car in a 7 car pile up... She was a goner! After driving Coppy's purple Cadi for months, Papi bought me a Ford Escort that I actually never paid for. Had that car until Ryan and I got married, and traded it. So, never-ending story... MY first REAL car, payment, insurance and all was a Honda Civic at the age of 22!
Nice ride!
I had a 89 white Toyota Tercel that we called white lightning. No cd player so I put my boom box in the back seat. Fun times.
My parents bought me a late 80's model Chrysler LaBaron (...just drivin' around in John Voights car). Then it crapped out on me and my Dad said no more used cars. Then I got a white Honda Civic in 93 (my senior year). I was fortunate my parents bought them both for me.
My first car was a Toyota Camry which was passed down to me from my sister when she left for college and got a new car. There were some good times in "DUL". That was what we named my car because that's what the letters on the plates spelled...ingenious...I know.
All my friends had brand new cars, but not my parents...and looking back, it's a good thing. Teenegers aren't mature enough to understand the value of having a brand new car. We've already informed the boys they will be getting used vehicles!
I got the cutest navy blue Jeep Cherokee with tan interior. Didn't pay for it, for gas, or the insurance.
In fact, I didn't pay for my own gas or insurance until I got married. That is pretty pathetic huh?
Me too Coco. First car I paid for wasn't until I was married and we bought the car from my sister b/c she was getting a company car.
My first car was a new Mazda Protege. It looked like an egg or a peanut, which is what we called it "peanut". I had that car FOR-EVAH! I had it until one day in the middle of the road the power steering went out and I couldn't turn in the middle of the road!
Ha! The Nissan 240SX...even though it didn't have power windows or locks, I thought it was a Porsche! We got into lots of trouble in that car, Casey....one evening that comes to mind was the night we got stopped with a backseat full of wine coolers and spilled them everywhere before the cops searched the car, and we had to flirt with the cops to get out of the MIP. My car smelled like strawberry Bartles and James for months!
To those of you saying that teenagers aren't mature enough to have brand new cars and understand the value...oh I understood. My dad bought it for me out of guilt for divorcing my mother the week after my 16th birthday! Believe me, I understand!
I had a gray 1987 Dodge Charger with no air-conditioning! It only made it 6 months until I wrecked it.
I got a white Eagle Talon with the black top. I thought iwas so cool! Called it the penguin. Mom and Dad had a bow on it when Merrilee and I returned from our Spring Break in DENTON!! Ha, yes, Mer and I went to Denton for spring break and had a blast!
Car, gas, insurance, was all paid for...so grateful now!
Teal Green Suzuki Samurai, like driving a box on wheels, but I was a stick shift, so I've always been kinda' glad I was forced to drive one, so that I know how know. Bought and paid for by my parents, including gas and insurance, but had to let my brother have it when I went to college.
I'm sorry, "I" was not a stick shift, the car was... oops!
I'm sorry, "I" was not a stick shift, the car was... oops!
my first car. sigggh.
all the kids in my private school had brand spanking new cars.
i had an old navy bonneville. which was fine until some j-hole (snl reference there) with no insurance hit the door. so i drove it with a crushed in door for a while.
my sister and i called it the 'wild navy cheetah' because stupid dogs in my neighborhood would try to outrun it. ha!
my second car i named 'bessie j. blige.' we'll get into that another time.
p.s. your Q's of the week are so hilarious and masterful. so glad you do these!
Casey, I was also anomaly at PSHS. . .a teenager without a license OR a brand new car. GASP--Carrie had to cart my sorry a__ around everywhere. My first car was an 84'Honda Accord, which I did not receive until I graduated from high school. I did not pay for insurance, but I did pay for the gas. Our children WILL NOT receive brand new cars when they turn 16, regardless of our financial situation!!
We will not be buying our kids cars, either. I think the best we will do is to match what they save. Then, they'll pay for insurance, gas, etc. Such a good lesson for later in life!
We will give them more choices than I had, however. They should like what they're driving....although it more than likely won't be their first choice...but, that is why we work....to buy things we like.
I went to a high school in South Florida where getting brand new mustangs and BMWs were normal. I got my granddad's 1984 Buick (I can't remember the model) but it was huge - could fit four comfortably in the back and had maroon velvet interior. Tragically, the car was stolen out the hospital parking lot (she often drove it to work a night shift - hospital was in the hood) and put on the train tracks for a gang initiation. Car totaled. I drove my dad's Jeep Cherokee after that.
Mine was a 1985 Chevy Cavalier Type 10. I'm not sure what the Type 10 was, but it said it on the back. It was charcoal gray. I inherited it from my Mom who bought it new knowing that she would drive it for 2 years then hand it down to me. I made the payments, but did not have to pay insurance. The payment was $160 a month and I only made $3.35/hour at Mazzio's Pizza. I barely made enough money to give my parents $80 out of each check. Can you believe I had to work 25 hours just to clear $80?
Oh yea, I had to pay for gas too.
Casey, are you and I the only ones who had to pay for our cars?
I used to get so mad at my parents because I had to work and all my friends did not. They had gas credit cards and new clothes bought for them all the time. My parents used to tell me that I might hate it now, but they were doing it for me. I get it now.
Looks like it! Although I didn't like it at the time, either, I do agree. Hoping our kids think the same one day!
I will buy cars for my kids if we can afford it. I don't think the fact that my parents bought my first car made me an irresponsible adult. I have since bought five cars on my own (no help from hubby, either). It is how you raise your children to value hard work and money, not what you make them buy on their own that makes them responsible people. I have two friends from college that use the fact that they bought their first car on their own as a badge of honor, yet both of them had their inlaws help them buy their houses (cosign or buy) because they couldn't get it on their own! Seriously??????
Red Suzuki Samurai. A hand-me-down from my dad. Didn't pay for it, had gas card in h.s., never paid for any work on it. Window busted out after leaving it in front of the Varsity overnight...in the winter. Had to drive home for Christmas break to Houston with no window. Oh, soft top, one pair of Birkenstocks and a six pack of Guiness bottles stolen out in New Orleans...left it in the street overnight. Good times! Finally completely broke down...enter the Escort Wagon phase...didn't pay for it.
Oh, are we supposed to talk about if we would buy our kids cars?
Absolutely not. Look at all the stupid places I left my cars and all the stoopid stuff that happened to them.
Wow, lots of comments! My first car was an ugly white Ford Tempo, given to me by my Dad. I made a pretty penny using it for carpooling. I got the beautiful lime green VW super beetle convertible after my sister blew up the engine on the Tempo. That bug was soooooooooo hot!!!!! White vinyl interior, horrible stereo, I loved it!!!!!!!!!! You loved it too....
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