Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shaggy Dogs No More

Every year, at about this time, we take the boys to get their hair cut. Really cut. I prefer it long most of the time, but spring encourages change in me. So, off to Lollilocks we go.

Jack - before.

And, after.

Carter - before.

And, after. No, it won't be a mohawk all the time. My directions are always the same......super short, #4, but I still want to be able to part it. When we leave the salon, though, it's Carter's choice for style.

Lainey Bug's hair stayed the nothing new here except for those fabulous shoes. Which, she will not wear again b/c they hurt her feet. But, oh so cute for today!


Malinda said...

Love the new looks. Their hair looks even more blonde when it's short. I'm going to get Cason's hair cut with the clippers for the first time this week. He has only had trims with scissors and it makes it look really shaggy when it grows out.

The Lenzers said...

The cuts are great- and Carter looks like such a grown guy...look out!!

Coco said...

Love the cuts! Your kis are gorgeous.

We are total opposite. Bram gets a cut when school starts and then we let it shag in the summer.

First time we do something different, who would of thought!

Love Lainey's flats. She is looking so much like Carter!!!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Cute haircuts~~

Angry Toddler's hair is always short. He gets awful cowlicks in the back.

merrilee said...

Love all the haircuts. . . .even the mohawk. Oh-and Lainey's shoes are PRECIOUS--I would wear them.

michelle matthews said...

Gorgeous pics! Love the new dos! I am about to shave Luke's head.
Love those cute shoes too!!!

Impulsive Addict said...

Oh.mah.gawd! I love those little shoes! I'm so sad that they made her little toes so sore! Bummer.