Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday, Continued

Today turned out to be even more eventful than expected. Lainey failed to keep liquids down or gain much strength throughout the day, so after calling our pediatrician, I headed to the ER. Neighbors kept the boys.....thank goodness....it was a quick call on my part and I'm so glad we had help.

Upon calling Steve to let him know, we learned he was headed to Dallas to comfort Terri who lost one of her precious doggies today. Tears immediately came to my eyes because no one loves animals like she does. Please say some prayers for her.

We're all home now. Lainey is fine. Has been given meds to help her keep food and water down....and after an uncomfortable test and a few hours of monitoring, we were released with prescriptions and orders to return should she not improve. No IV necessary, thank goodness.

The zoo pictures below are from last week, I think. I was reminded today of the special bond between Jack and Lainey while caring for her and spending some one on one time that I don't often get. She kept asking for Jack....and Carter, occasionally....but mainly Jack. As annoying as he can be, she wants her buddy around. Sweetness.


If the shoe FITZ said...

Glad your neighbors were able to help out and super glad that LC is okay. How scary!

Coco said...

So glad you had help. Poor Lainey, nothing worse than a sick baby.

Sweet pictures.

Dee Stephens said...

I hope Lainey feels better soon... :(
BTW - I love that shot of Jack's hair blowing in the wind.

Allyson and Dave said...

I am glad that everything is okay. The ER is never a fun experience. I work in a hospital and it is so sad to walk through the ER and see sick children.

The Soladay Family said...

What precious pics...I hope she's feeling better today.

Thanks again for the sweet email amidst your crazy afternoon at the ER!

Amanda said...

Oh goodness. I am glad she is a little better at least.