She loves her dolls and enjoys carrying them around. Recently, at the car wash in town, she found the baby in the toy bin and refused to put it down....then screamed and kicked when it was time to go and I wouldn't let her take the baby with us. So, the 'nature vs nurture' debate continues in this house and I'm enjoying both sides of the argument.
Yesterday, she brought her baby with her to dinner.
Lots of kisses and hugs.
And, she fed her, too.
When she's a bit older, you can venture into American Girl doll territory. So much fun.
I never liked dolls when I was little but Payton would take care of anything and still does. She's the most nurturing person in our house - thank goodness there's at least 1 person here like her. Very sweet.
The baby doll in the picture is actually an American Girl Bitty Baby. Caroline got it and an American Girl stroller for her first birthday. She loves it!
I can't wait to go to the store, though. So sweet!
I can see Payton being just like that.
AWWWW! bitty baby!! i had one of those when i was 11. (i still have it and LL plays with it!!) we are waiting until next year to start American Girling it (it was one of my most treasured collections as a child... Samantha and co.)...CAN'T WAIT!!!!
anyhow, this pic is PRECIOUS. you really have such a gorgeous family! cheers! :)
Why is it when you see a toddler with a baby doll the baby doll is naked. I notice this all the time. It makes me laugh!!
Good question, Allison. She did not do it....her brothers perhaps they are to blame. It's true, though! I've noticed it, too.
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