We had that damn whistle when Bram was Jack's age. It drove me bonkers and he used it so much the wood would get soft. GROSS!!!
Just hose it down with Lysol. It will taste so bad that nobody will dare ever use it and it will kill the funk that live on it. It's a win win!
Gross! We have that too adn it disgusts me! I hope y'all are feeling better!
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We had that damn whistle when Bram was Jack's age. It drove me bonkers and he used it so much the wood would get soft. GROSS!!!
Just hose it down with Lysol. It will taste so bad that nobody will dare ever use it and it will kill the funk that live on it. It's a win win!
Gross! We have that too adn it disgusts me!
I hope y'all are feeling better!
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