Monday, October 06, 2008


I don't think I've gone 6 days without posting since I started this blog. Please forgive.

I made a quick decision Wednesday morning to go see my sister in Dallas who was in the hospital for disease related issues (Scleroderma and Pulmonary Artery Hyptertension). So, I cleaned and prepped the house to be shown while we were away. Did laundry and dishes, watered plants, etc.....woke up kids from their nap, threw them in the car, grabbed Carter from school and off we were. 12:00 noon departure. Arrived 5:00am the next morning. Blake can make the trip in 12 hours. It took me 17.

Caroline is doing well now, but had a few rough days. I continue to admire her for the battle she's in against these diseases. She handles it beautifully. We should all be blessed with such patience.

I think that most people who know me understand our relationship. Caroline is my closest secret kids' kids' second cheerleader in favorite person to be around. As difficult as the situation was for her, it gave us an impromptu chance to sit and talk all day.

The drive there was rough, but worth every mile. Coming back was a bit better. Now that I've done it, I will be going more often. Even if it takes 17 hours.

Thanks to all of you who checked on me, offered help and inquired about Caroline. We were both very touched.

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